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Free Flu Vaccine Clinic Moved to 12/20

Flu Clinic Schedule Changed for Week of Dec. 15

Due to pre-scheduled meetings, there will be no walk-in flu vaccination clinic at the City Hall Annex on Thursday, Dec. 18. A clinic will be held on Saturday, Dec. 20 at the Winter Hill Community School cafeteria (please use the Medford St. entrance) from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Clinics are open for residents and non-residents ages five years and older. While there is no charge for vaccinations, attendees are asked to bring an insurance card if available. Attendees requiring additional assistance or other accommodations should contact the Somerville Health Department at 617-625-6600 ext. 4300.

Please be aware: We are out of the nasal mist formulation of the vaccine.

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