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FY15 Prop. Assessments & Mobile Office Hours

Somerville Assessor’s Office to Release FY15 Property Assessments Early and to Host Evening Mobile Office Hours for Property Owners


As a courtesy to our property owners, The City of Somerville Board of Assessors is making fiscal year (FY) 2015 assessments available early and holding evening mobile office hours to answer property owners' questions. Usually, property owners receive notice of their new assessed values in their third quarter tax bill in late December/early January. This year, to allow residents and property owners additional time to review their new values and request changes, the new values, which have been approved by the State Department of Revenue, are being made available as of Wednesday, Nov. 19. As always, formal appeals will be accepted, this year from Jan. 2 to Feb. 2, 2015. This year for the first time, owners may also request changes during an additional three-week period from Nov. 19 to Dec. 9, 2014.

Where to find assessed home values:
As of Nov. 19, FY15 assessed values will be available for review at the following locations:

  • Online at
  • All three Somerville Public Libraries during normal business hours:
    • Central Library at 79 Highland Ave.,
    • East Branch Library at 115 Broadway, and
    • West Branch Library at 40 College Ave.
  • The Assessor’s Office at City Hall during normal business hours, 93 Highland Ave.

Evening Mobile Office Hours:
In addition to their daytime office hours, the Board of Assessors will hold nighttime mobile office hours to provide all property owners an additional opportunity to discuss their FY 2015 assessments. Information will be available in one-on-one sessions with staff regarding how to request an abatement (a reduction in value), how to apply for exemptions or tax deferrals, and other related topics. The first round of mobile office hours will be held on the dates below:

  • Wednesday, November 19, 6:30-8 p.m. at West Somerville Neighborhood School Cafeteria, 177 Powder House Blvd.
  • Thursday, November 20, 6:30-8 p.m. at East Somerville Community School Cafeteria, 50 Cross St.

Owners may also visit, email or call the Assessor’s Office during normal business hours:
City Hall, 93 Highland Ave, Somerville, MA
Mon., Tues., Wed.: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 8:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

For more information, please contact the Assessor’s Office at 617-625-6600 x 3100 or

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