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Learn to Repair Your Windows Rather than Replace Them

Need to improve your old windows? Thinking about replacing them? Think again! Come to a hands-on workshop sponsored by the City of Somerville Historic Preservation Commission and Historic Somerville on How to Repair Windows Yourself on Saturday, June 29, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Somerville Museum, One Westwood Road. With proper tools, knowledge, and care, your windows can last for many years. This workshop will be a hands-on demonstration with an actual window from the Somerville Museum. Why Restore Instead of Replace? It’s environmentally friendly, energy efficient, and cost effective, and old windows are higher quality and they preserve the character of your house as well. The class is $50 per person, with a maximum of 15, to allow for individual attention. All proceeds will go to the Somerville Museum Building Fund to help support their Access For All ADA Project. Instructor David Liberty has been restoring people’s windows since 1985, and he has been featured on PBS’s This Old House and is well-known in the Greater Boston Preservation community. To register, contact SHPC Executive Director  Brandon Wilson at or 617-625-6600 x2532.

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