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MEMA Urges Electricity Conservation During Heatwave
ongoing high temperatures, ISO New England is forecasting New England’s
electricity usage to reach near record-breaking levels throughout the
week. Although power system resources are currently adequate, supplies
are likely to become tight. As a precautionary step, ISO New England is
requesting voluntary electricity conversation. ISO New England suggests
several ways to reduce electricity consumption and advises that these
measures be taken consistent with one’s health and safety:
- Raise air conditioning thermostats by a few degrees if health permits. A suggested temperature range is between 74°F–78°F
- Turn off unneeded lights and appliances
- Turn off unnecessary office equipment
- Shut off air conditioners when leaving home for extended periods of time
- Defer laundry and other chores requiring electricity until the early morning or late evening hours
Additional details can be found in the attached press release.
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