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Somerville City, Police, Fire Statement on Assembly Sq. Construction Accident

Statement from City of Somerville, Somerville Police Department, and Somerville Fire Department

June 12, 2015

On Thursday, June 11, at 2:02 p.m., Somerville Fire and Somerville Police responded to a report of an accident at the Partners Healthcare administrative building construction site in Assembly Square. Two workers who suffered serious injuries while assembling an external hoist on the structure were given first aid by Somerville Police on scene and transported by Cataldo Ambulance to Mass General Hospital. We were later informed that one worker was fatally injured.

Our hearts are heavy with sorrow after this tragic accident. Our thoughts are with the family and friends of the worker who was killed, and with the worker who was injured, as well as with the entire site crew who are suffering the loss and injury of members of their team. We send our deepest condolences to the family and friends who lost a loved one, and to the injured worker, we send our best hopes that they make a full recovery.

All enquiries regarding the accident should be directed to the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which is investigating the accident. Their Public Information Officer can be reached at 617-565-2074. Somerville Police have secured the scene and will continue to assist the State in any way needed.


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