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Ward Mtgs. on Proposed Zoning Code Overhaul

The public is invited to ward-by-ward meetings scheduled by the ward aldermen and City planning staff on the proposed zoning code overhaul submitted to the Board of Aldermen. Each meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. The schedule for the meetings is as follows:

  • Ward 1: Wednesday, March 4 in the East Somerville Community School cafeteria, 50 Cross St.
  • Wards 2 and 3: Monday, Feb. 23, at the former Union Square Post Office, 237 Washington St.
  • Ward 4: Tuesday, March 17 at the Healey School
  • Ward 5: Monday, March 16 at the Lowell Street VNA, 259 Lowell St.
  • Wards 6 and 7: Monday, March 2, at the Tufts Administration Building (TAB), 169 Holland St.

In addition to these ward-based meetings, the Land Use Committee of the Board of Aldermen and the Planning Board will hold a rescheduled joint public hearing on the proposal on Thursday, March 5 in the Aldermanic Chambers at 6 p.m. at City Hall. Public feedback is also accepted through the zoning website at through March 27. For more information, email


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