About the Memorialization Committee
Founded in 2020, the Memorialization Committee is the committee tasked with developing the policies and procedures for the naming of public buildings, spaces, and streets. In addition, the Committee shall develop a policy and procedure for the installation of memorial benches, artwork, or other objects subject to the limitations set out in Section 5 of this ordinance. The Committee is responsible for naming public buildings, spaces, and streets and processing applications for the installation of other memorial objects in public spaces, with the exception of hero squares which shall be named by the Veterans Commission per City Ordinance Sec. 2-309.5. The naming of public buildings, spaces, and streets shall be undertaken at the referral of the Administration. The commission may, by a two-thirds vote of the whole commission, dedicate any municipal building, park or property in the city provided that no deed or contractual restriction prohibits such dedication; and provided further, that whenever the commission intends to make such dedication it shall, before final action thereon, appoint a time and place for hearing all persons interested. A unanimous vote of the members of the commission present and voting on the proposed name is required to name a building, space, street, or part thereof for a person then living. The Committee is made up of representatives from the City Council, School Committee, Veterans Committee, Somerville Historic Committee, and appointed members of the community.
Contact Information
Submitting a Memorialization Request
Interested in submitting a candidate to be reviewed by the Memorialization Committee, please email memorial@somervillema.gov with information about the person and their contributions to Somerville. Please note that The commission shall utilize the following criteria when determining whether an individual shall be honored:
- An individual must have made a valuable and substantive contribution to the city in an official, civic, or social capacity, which sets them apart from normal civic participation in the affairs of the city. The Committee will seek to ensure individuals honored represent the broad diversity of individuals who have contributed to the city. Examples of such contributions include as follows:
- Service in public office, in either an elected or appointed capacity;
- Service as a leader of an active organization of the community, which contributes to the social well-being and fabric of their neighborhood or the city;
- Meritorious and distinguished service as an employee of the city; and/or
- Having performed a heroic or distinguished act completely without regard for personal safety or well-being.
- Kerri Connolly, Chairperson
- Vacant, Mayor’s Appointee
- Ellenor Barish, School Committee Rep
- David Guss, Somerville Historic Committee Rep
- Bob LaPointe, Veterans Rep
- Jesse Clingan, City Council Rep
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