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About the Event

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The City of Somerville Planning and Zoning Department is holding an additional public meeting to present and discuss the proposed changes to the Demolition Review Ordinance, which requires the Historic Preservation Commission to review buildings proposed for demolition that are over 50 years old.
Planning staff will provide a comprehensive overview of the current use of the ordinance, and explain the scope of the proposed changes including expanded review procedures, and more detailed applicant requirements.
The ordinance document is available for review online at
Planners will ask attendees to provide feedback on the proposed changes. Comments and questions may also be submitted at

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General Exercise - Holland Street (Council on Aging)

General Exercise at Holland Street.

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Make Your Own Mini Chacurterie Board (Council on Aging)

Make your own mini charcuterie board.

General Exercise - Holland Street (Council on Aging)

General Exercise at Holland Street.

Please see flyers for details.

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