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About the Event

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This public meeting of the Condominium Review Board was originally scheduled for Monday, September 24, 2018, but was rescheduled due to a lack of quorum. Please note that the time has been changed from 6 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Event Documents

Document Type Time Posted
Agenda Sep 25, 2018, 7:10pm




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CultureHouse Union Square

This free-to-enter intergenerational pop-up will be a public space pilot, a living room for the community, a resource center, and an arts, culture, and business incubator. It will be open daily…

Docent Tour: Milk Row Cemetery

From May through October, three historic sites in Somerville are open to the public on certain days and evenings.

SomerStreets: Carnaval

SomerStreets: Carnaval celebrates the East Broadway Business District and community with a parade, food, music, and activities from around the world.

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