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About the Event

Please note: This page is about a past event. Visit for upcoming events.

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Pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021, this public meeting will be conducted via remote participation.

We will post an audio recording, audio-video recording, transcript, or other comprehensive record of these proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting on the City of Somerville website and local cable access government channels.

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Meeting ID: 810 1925 0088
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Meeting ID: 810 1925 0088

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Assembly Square is Somerville’s newest and burgeoning neighborhood, originally an industrial site, the area evolved into a suburban shopping hub before becoming a mixed-use main street. As numerous development applications are poised to continue Assembly Square’s transformation, it needed a Neighborhood Plan update. Where in other areas the challenge faced by the City has been to preserve and enhance the most desirable characteristics and potential of an existing neighborhood, here the focus was on realizing Assembly's full promise as a transformational area.

To realize this vision, Planning Staff and our design team have spent over a year engaged in a comprehensive public process and creation of an updated Neighborhood Plan. We are presenting the plan virtually on Wednesday, October 13 at 6 pm. We sincerely hope you can join us and are eager to hear your feedback!

If you want to learn more about the process and background of this initiative please go to . If you have any questions or difficulties please email Victor Nascimento at

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Upcoming Events

General Exercise - Holland Street (Council on Aging)

General Exercise at Holland Street.

Please see flyers for details.

Nutrition Class via Zoom (Council on Aging)

Nutrition Class via Zoom.

Contact Mary for Zoom link.

See flyer for details.

General Exercise - Holland Street (Council on Aging)

General Exercise at Holland Street.

Please see flyers for details.

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