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About the Event

Please note: This page is about a past event. Visit for upcoming events.

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Do you have questions on how the city develops mobility safety improvements? Do you want to learn more about our transportation projects? Do you want to share your feedback on transportation options and infrastructure across the City? Join Mobility team members for a discussion and listening session.

Please RSVP to Debby at 617-625-6600 ext. 2321

Grab & Go Lunch will be available after the session

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Upcoming Events

Cardio Throwback (Council on Aging)

Get moving and grooving.

A six week program starting today.

Please see flyer for details.

LCR Game Day (Council on Aging)

Left Center Right is a fun, fast paced dice game that you won't be able to put down!

Please see flyer for details.

Council on Aging Board Meeting

These meetings are open to the public and all are welcome.

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