General Exercise at Holland Street.
Please see flyers for details.
Event |
Thank you for helping us make Somerville a safer and more comfortable place to bike and walk! The data we collect will help us better understand where we walk and bike the most, as well as the impact of improvements we make year to year - and help us plan future improvements.
Please review the instructions and FAQs in this instruction guide before going to the website below to sign up. The City will also be hosting an optional training on 9/24 from 6 to 7 p.m. at the City Hall Annex, 50 Evergreen Ave., Somerville.
Sign up here:
1) Pick a day from the following: September 29, 30, Oct 1, 6, 7, 8. We've provided a two‐week period in order to allow greater flexibility.
2) Pick an hour within the following timeframes, depending on whether you signed up for AM or PM counts:
3) Counting forms and additional instructions will be emailed to you directly after signing up.
You can change the day you planned to collect data (like the 6th instead of the 1st) but not the morning vs. afternoon time. If for any reason you cannot finish the locations you committed to collecting, please contact us as soon as possible, in order to have someone else cover that location. Contact info: Jennifer Molina, or 617.625.6600 ext. 2514.
If applicable, any related agendas, minutes, audio/video recordings, and other materials will appear here.
General Exercise at Holland Street.
Please see flyers for details.
Nutrition Class via Zoom.
Contact Mary for Zoom link.
See flyer for details.
General Exercise at Holland Street.
Please see flyers for details.
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