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Join the Discussion - MBTA Fare and Service Changes
Today the MBTA is serving more people more efficiently than ever before—with customers taking more than 1.3 million trips every weekday. Despite this, the T faces one of the most serious financial crises in its history.
In Fiscal Year 2013 (July 2012 to June 2013), available revenues are projected to be as much as $185 million below operating expenses. This structural deficit will continue to grow through Fiscal Year 2016 and beyond under current conditions. To maintain financial stability, the T will have to make decisions in the next few months that will significantly impact fares and service. This information describes in detail the options under consideration and how they will affect you.
Join the Discussion Guide
A guide to proposed MBTA fare and service changes will be available in Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Haitian Creole, and Cape Verdean Creole.
If requested in advance, the MBTA will make available copies of the printed materials in the following additional languages: French, Russian, Cambodian, Italian, Greek, Arabic, Albanian, Korean, Polish and Gujarati.
Please visit for more detailed information.
Event Documents
If applicable, any related agendas, minutes, audio/video recordings, and other materials will appear here.
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