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Union Square Utility and Streetscape Improvements Study and Design

walk-around and open house

You’re invited to join the Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development for a community walk and open house with Team Better Block to explore design concepts for Union Square. Come share your ideas!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

6:00 p.m. - Community Walk (Meet at 75 Union Square)

7:00 p.m. - Open House (Argenziano School, 290 Washington Street)

In case of rain or snow, we will meet at the Argenziano School at 6 p.m. Free and Open to the Public – Spanish and Portugese interpretation will be provided.

More info:


Event Documents




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Upcoming Events

FREE 19+ Vaccine Clinic (Flu and COVID-19)

Both flu and COVID-19 vaccines are conveniently offered at multiple locations across Somerville, improving access for all residents.

Somerville Redevelopment Authority Special Meeting

Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, this public meeting of the SRA is being conducted via remote participation.

Somerville Affordable Housing Trust Fund Meeting

Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, this meeting of the Somerville Affordable Housing Trust will be conducted via remote participation.

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