Somerville-Arlington Continuum of Care (CoC)
Please note: The Somerville-Arlington CoC (the MA-517 CoC) merged into the Balance of State (BoS) CoC on November 19th, 2019. As a result of this HUD-approved merger, the lead agency is now the DHCD.
The Balance of State Continuum of Care (BoS CoC) is the local organization that coordinates housing and services funding for homeless individuals and families. For agendas or more information about any of the BoS CoC's public meetings, or to arrange for clearance with the building security, please contact the DHCD at 617-573-1100.
City of Somerville Liaison to the BoS CoC |
Contact: Paul Goldstein |
CoC Homeless Management |
Somerville Homeless Coalition |
Contact Information
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Funding Notices & Applications
2019 Documents
- FY 2019 CoC Program Competition NOFA - What's New, Changes, and Highlights
- RFP: New Bonus & DV Bonus Funding
- Letter of Intent Form for the RFP
- CoC Competition Calendar
- Rating Process and Ranking Policy (Draft)
- Project Scoring and Ranking Tool (Draft)
- Rating Process and Ranking Policy (Final)
- Project Scoring and Ranking Tool (Final)
- Project Rank Order
- Somerville-Arlington CoC FY19 Consolidated Application
- Somerville-Arlington CoC FY19 Priority Listing
- Screenshot of Submitted FY19 Consolidated Application
2019 Updates
(Listed in chronological order from earliest to most recent in 2019) | |
7/19/2019 |
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has recently released the 2019 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). The NOFA and related documents can be found at The Somerville-Arlington CoC has $2,276,447 in available funds and is accepting new and renewal CoC project applications for the FY19 consolidated application. In the list of links to CoC NOFA documents, please find this year’s timeline calendar for the application process and an update on what’s new in the FY19 competition. Please be aware that the deadline for submission ofnew and renewal project applications into e-snaps is August 28th, 2019 at 5:00 PM and the consolidated application is due by September 30th, 2019. |
7/23/2019 |
Announcement – Somerville-Arlington CoC (MA-517) RFP: New Bonus & DV Bonus funding – 2019 CoC NOFA application The Somerville-Arlington Continuum of Care (CoC) and the City of Somerville as the Collaborative Applicant (CA) is seeking applications for projects as part of the FY2019 HUD Continuum of Care competition. Details regarding the categories of possible projects can be found in the link in the list above that goes directly to the RFP: New Bonus & DV Bonus funding. The list of 2019 documents also includes the Letter of Intent form for the RFP, and the CoC Competition Calendar with the timeline process for application. New projects can be created through the Bonus or Domestic Violence Bonus categories within the HUD funding limits designated for this CoC. The amounts available are listed in the RFP next to the appropriate categories, and represent information currently available. If HUD modifies the estimated ARD, or if reallocation is made available, we will update this RFP. Please note the CoC Competition Calendar also includes a timeline for the entire CoC NOFA application process and is available through clicking the link above. |
8/15/2019 |
The Review, Rating and Ranking committee has posted our CoC’s draft Rating Process and Ranking Policy, and draft Project Scoring and Ranking Tool for use in the FY19 CoC NOFA. The documents are posted above in the list of links to 2019 Documents. We welcome your comments. The CoC will vote to accept them or modify them at the monthly CoC Providers Group meeting on August 20th, 2019 at 2 p.m. at the Massachusetts Bay Veterans Center. |
8/27/2019 | The Somerville-Arlington CoC voted at its meeting on August 20th to approve the final Rating Process and Ranking Policy and the final Scoring and Ranking Tool. They will be used to score and rank project applications for the 2019 CoC NOFA process. They are posted above in the links to 2019 Documents. |
9/12/2019 | All project applications submitted to the CoC through E-SNAPS have been accepted to be included in the continuum’s response to this year’s NOFA. The final ranking of our CoC’s projects is available at the Project Rank Order in the list of links to 2019 Documents. We are happy to schedule a further debriefing to anyone who requests it. If you would like to do so please send an email to Heidi Burbidge at |
9/25/2019 | The Somerville-Arlington CoC FY19 Consolidated Application and Priority Listing are available to view or download in the list of links to 2019 Documents. |
9/27/2019 | The FY2019 Somerville-Arlington CoC Consolidated Application and Priority Listing were submitted to HUD on September 27, 2019. Copies of each can be downloaded and viewed at the links on the list of 2019 Documents. |
2018 Documents
- Letter of Intent Form
- CoC Competition Calendar
- Rating Process and Ranking Plan
- CoC 2018 Project Rank Order
- Somerville Arlington CoC’s Draft 2018 NOFA Consolidated Application
- Somerville-Arlington CoC’s 2018 Project Priority Listing
- Final Project Applications
2018 Updates
9/14/2018 |
Today we posted new 2018 CoC NOFA application documents to the list of 2018 documents above that you can link to, to read or download. They now include the Somerville-Arlington CoC’s Draft 2018 NOFA Consolidated Application, the Somerville-Arlington CoC Priority Listing, and each Project Application submitted by the Somerville-Arlington CoC’s applicant agencies. The list of 2018 Documents that have been posted during the completion also includes a link to the CoC 2018 Project Rank Order, the CoC Rating Process and Ranking Plan, the CoC Competition Calendar, and the Letter of Intent Form for New Projects. |
8/31/2018 |
The 2018 Somerville-Arlington CoC NOFA Competition Project Ranking has been posted above in the list of 2018 Documents. The 2018 CoC Project Rating Process and Ranking Plan that was adopted by the CoC at the August 21st, 2018 meeting was posted there yesterday. The full CoC Application and Priority Listing will be sent out by email and posted here on the website in September. As always if you know of people who would like to receive email updates of these postings and notices of CoC provider meetings, please have them contact us. |
8/3/2018 |
The September 18 CoC meeting will now be held on September 11. |
7/26/2018 |
The Somerville-Arlington Continuum of Care (CoC) is seeking applications for new projects as part of the FY2018 HUD Continuum of Care competition. Below are the two categories of eligible new project types being made available by HUD with funding limits designated for this CoC, followed by a timeline and process. Mentioned below are the Letter of Intent Form, and CoC Competition Calendar. The first step will be to submit a letter of intent by Aug. 3rd at 12 p.m. Prospective applicants should carefully review the HUD Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), CoC New Project Application Detailed Instructions, and all related resources posted here on the HUD Exchange: Providers are strongly encouraged to submit applications for new projects. The CoC will offer technical assistance by the CoC planning consultants to help answer questions. New Bonus: up to $127,765
Carefully review the NOFA, especially Section V A.3(a)(3) for details on the Bonus categories. New Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus: up to $212,942 HUD is making available up to $50 million nationally for this new funding opportunity, the DV Bonus, to serve survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and human trafficking who meet the definition of homeless in paragraph (4) of 24 CFR 578.3. The following types of projects may be submitted:
Carefully review the NOFA, especially Sections II B.3, II B.10(e), and V A.3(a)(4) for details on the DV Bonus. NOTE: Providers requesting DV Bonus funds who are selected by the CoC to submit full applications will be expected to work with the CoC and its planning consultants to help provide information on the estimated numbers of DV survivors in the CoC, unmet needs, and the like as part of the completion of the overall CoC Application. These are additional questions that the CoC must complete when it applies for DV Bonus projects. |
6/29/2018 |
The CoC 2018 CoC NOFA Consolidated Application is now available. PDF copies of both the NOFA (released June 20, 2018) and the NOFA application (released June 28, 2018) are available here and here. Also, for all agencies, we strongly encourage any provider (whether currently funded through the CoC or not) to contact the CoC indicating if you are interested in submitting a new application in 2018. We will be issuing an invitation to submit concept papers in July. |
6/21/2018 |
The Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the FY2018 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition has been released and is due September 18, 2018. You can access the NOFA here. Agencies who wish to participate in the Somerville-Arlington NOFA application who are not already receiving information about how to do so can contact Heidi Burbidge, Housing Programs Coordinator at the City of Somerville ( New project proposals are welcome for consideration. |
5/23/2018 |
The U.S. Housing and Urban Development 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) will be released soon. Agencies who provide permanent housing, transitional housing, rapid-rehousing, and supportive services in Somerville and Arlington to individuals and households who are experiencing homelessness are invited to participate in the application process for HUD funding. For more information and to be placed on the email listserv to receive updates, please contact Heidi Burbidge, Housing Programs Coordinator, OSPCD Housing Division at (617) 625-6600 x2587 or by email at |
2/18/2018 |
The Somerville-Arlington Continuum of Care (CoC) was awarded $1,921,026 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through the 2017 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). Grant awards will help provide permanent supportive housing and transitional housing for homeless individuals and families. People in Somerville and Arlington who are experiencing homelessness can access these housing programs through a Coordinated Entry system with a “no wrong door” approach that will address their particular needs and prioritize persons who are most vulnerable and have had the longest length of homelessness. This funding award from HUD will also expand the CoC’s capacity for data management through the homelessness management information system (HMIS) and planning funds to support ongoing CoC efforts. Click here to view the City's press release on the award. HUD provided full funding to all 2017 Somerville-Arlington project requests as a part of the Consolidated Application. |
2017 Documents
- FY 2017 CoC Application Detailed Instructions
- FY 2017 CoC Application Instructional Guide
- FY 2017 CoC Program Competition NOFA
- Rating Process and Proposed Ranking Plan, with Rating Tool (Posted 6/12/2017, Updated 7/3/2017, CoC approved version posted 8/16/2017)
- Ranking for Priority Listing
- Draft Project Applications
- Somerville-Arlington CoC’s Draft 2017 NOFA Consolidated Application
- Somerville-Arlington CoC Priority Listing
- Final Project Applications
- Somerville-Arlington CoC’s Final 2017 NOFA Consolidated Application
2017 Updates
9/28/2017 |
The Somerville-Arlington CoC final 2017 NOFA Consolidated Application was submitted today. A link to the application document that was submitted is included in the bulleted list of 2017 Documents above. The final Somerville-Arlington CoC Priority Listing was also submitted today. No changes were made to the Priority Listing since it was posted on 9/25/17. |
9/25/2017 |
Today we have added new CoC application documents to the list of 2017 documents that are posted above. The documents that you can link to, to read or download, now include: the Somerville-Arlington CoC’s draft 2017 NOFA Consolidated Application, the Somerville-Arlington CoC Priority Listing, and each Final Project Application submitted by the Somerville-Arlington CoC’s applicant agencies. The list of 2017 Documents above also includes a link to the CoC’s Rating Process and Ranking Plan with the final, CoC approved version, which was posted on 8/16/2017. |
9/20/2017 |
All project applications that were submitted by the August 29th deadline to the Somerville-Arlington CoC for inclusion on the FY 2017 CoC Priority Listing as part of the CoC Consolidated Application have been accepted and ranked. |
8/16/2017 |
On 8/15/17, the Somerville-Arlington CoC voted to approve the CoC’s 2017 Ranking Plan for projects applying for the 2017 HUD CoC NOFA. Please find the full Rating Process and Proposed Ranking Plan, with Rating Tool posted in the 2017 documents above. |
8/8/2017 |
Funding for new Somerville-Arlington CoC projects will be available during the 2017 NOFA application process. We expect that there will be the following available for new projects:
We encourage agencies to apply for this funding, especially the reallocation funds. Please consider how your agency might apply for and use this funding to strengthen our CoC. Here are some more details about priorities, schedule, and instructions about submitting an application for reallocation and bonus funds. The CoC especially encourages applications for the following project types:
All new projects must participate in Coordinated Entry. Here you will find instructions for agencies to submit a “concept paper,” a brief summary (a few sentences) of the new project with a budget that includes just basic line items and match. These concept papers are due August 18th, 2017. Technical Assistance for project applications will be available after the full CoC meeting this Tuesday, August 15th at the Massachusetts Bay Veteran’s Center at 2 North Street. The full CoC meeting will begin at 2:00 p.m. Additional guidance is available from the following 2017 NOFA webinar resources. We encourage each interested agency to review these:
Please contact Heidi Burbidge, Housing Programs Coordinator, City of Somerville Housing Division at (617) 625-6600 x2587 or if you have questions or would like to discuss any of this information or applications that you are considering. |
8/1/2017 |
The FY 2017 CoC Application Detailed Instructions are now posted on the HUD Exchange. |
7/24/2017 |
The Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition has been posted to the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition: Funding Availability page on the HUD Exchange. Submission Deadline: Thursday, September 28,2017 at 8:00 p.m. EDT Agencies who provide permanent housing, transitional housing, rapid-rehousing, and supportive services in Somerville and Arlington to individuals and households who are experiencing homelessness are invited to participate in the application process for HUD funding. To receive information about the Somerville-Arlington CoC application process, please email Heidi Burbidge, Housing Programs Coordinator at the City of Somerville ( If you are interested in receiving updates directly from HUD you can also register for the HUD Exchange mailing list at |
6/12/2017 |
A NOFA prep meeting will be held Thursday, June 15, 2017 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Somerville Homeless Coalition, One Davis Square, Somerville. Please contact Heidi Burbidge, Housing Programs Coordinator, City of Somerville at (617) 625-6600 x2587, for more information. |
6/12/2017 |
The U.S. Housing and Urban Development 2017 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) will be released soon. Agencies who provide permanent housing, transitional housing, rapid-rehousing, and supportive services in Somerville and Arlington to individuals and households who are experiencing homelessness are invited to participate in the application process for HUD funding. |
2016 Documents
Resources for Homeless Individuals & Families
All individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness in Somerville and Arlington are encouraged to receive an assessment through the Somerville and Arlington Coordinated Entry program. Nine housing programs, as well as housing search and case management services participate in Coordinated Entry. Participating housing programs and services now receive referrals only from among clients who have been assessed through Coordinated Entry and prioritized based on level of vulnerability and type of need. Any person with a tie to Somerville or Arlington who is currently experiencing homelessness is eligible to complete an assessment. Assessment is offered on a walk-in basis at the Somerville Homeless Coalition, One Davis Square Monday through Friday. Call (617) 623-6600 for more information.
Resource Guide for People Homeless
in Somerville and Arlington
Local Agencies with HUD McKinney Funding
FY16 CoC Awards Summary |
Agency and Project Name |
Program Type* |
Renewal Amount |
Somerville Homeless Coalition - Better Homes 2 |
Somerville Homeless Coalition - Cross Street Housing |
Somerville Homeless Coalition - Shelter Plus Care |
Somerville Homeless Coalition - Sobriety and Stability II |
Somerville Homeless Coalition - Better Homes |
Somerville Homeless Coalition - Sobriety and Stability |
Somerville Homeless Coalition - Coordinated Entry |
Wayside - ShortStop |
Just a Start - Next Step |
Heading Home - Stepping Stones |
Heading Home - Better Homes 3 |
Housing Corp of Arlington - 20 Westminster |
*Program Types:
PH: Permanent Housing TH: Transitional Housing SSO: Supportive Services Only |
FY16 ESG Awards Summary |
Agency and Project Name |
Program Type* |
Renewal Amount |
CASPAR Inc. - Emergency Service Center | ES | $21,000 |
Catholic Charities - Emergency Shelter for Women | ES | $11,626 |
Respond Inc. - Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence | ES RRH |
$30,900 |
Somerville Homeless Coalition - Adult and Family Shelters | ES RRH Prevention HMIS |
$124,517 |
*Program Types:
ES: Emergency Shelter RRH: Rapid Re-Housing
HMIS: Homeless Management Information System |
Somerville-Arlington CoC Policies
- Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Policies and Procedures
- Somerville-Arlington CoC Governance Charter
- Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures
HUD Reports
HUD requires that each CoC across the country conduct a count of all sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness in the CoC area. This census is called the Point-in-Time Count and is done through the night and into the morning on the last Wednesday of January every year, weather permitting. In 2017, the PIT Count was held on January 25-26th. “Sheltered” includes those in emergency, transitional, and safe haven housing (although Somerville-Arlington does not have safe haven housing at this time).
If you are interested in volunteering for the next PIT Count in Somerville and Arlington, or if you would like to receive notices with information, please provide your email address or phone number here.
Point-in-Time Count (PIC) Reports |
Housing Inventory Count (HIC) ReportsHousing Inventory Count (HIC) Reports include both McKinney-Vento funded programs as well as other programs that provide beds to persons who are homeless. Beds within our CoC area that are counted in the HIC include emergency housing beds, transitional housing beds, and permanent housing beds. Utilization rates for the Housing Inventory Count are tied to the Point-in-Time Count data. |
More Information |
Guidance for Homelessness Assistance Projects
- Homeless Youth and Trauma (United States Interagency Council on Homelessness)
- MA Plan to End Veteran Homelessness, CoC’s Role
- Equal Access and Gender Identity Rule
- For HUD Guidance on other topics related to homelessness, visit
Meetings of the CoC are held on the third Tuesday of each month from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. CoC meetings are open to the public.
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