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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Feb 16, 2024

Veterans’ Commission on Monuments, Memorials and Dedications Meeting

Public meeting of the Somerville Veterans’ Commission on Monuments, Memorials and Dedications. This is a hybrid meeting.

Tai Chi (Council on Aging)

Tai Chi is a practice that uses slow, gentle movements and postures to help improve mindfulness, balance and ease of motion.

Metro Boston Homeland Security Region Medsurge Subcommittee Meeting

Public meeting of a regional group with participants and topics of discussion that relate to the metro Boston region.

Life Transitions: A Life Well Lived is a Life Well Planned

As we age, some of the hardest conversation that we will have with loved ones will be around our care. If you find yourself looking for ways to start these conversations or to hear more about what these conversations should cover, consider this presentation.

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