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Absentee ballot applications for the 11/5 Presidential Election due by 9/26.
Poll workers needed for November 5th Presidential Election.

About Communications & Community Engagement

Communications & Community Engagement encompasses City Cable operations, community and immigrant outreach, constituent services, and media relations. We strive to use a broad and innovative range of channels and initiatives to provide the greatest possible number of community members with information on emergencies, services, programs, public meetings, initiatives and events.

Make a Media Inquiry

An essential function is the department’s round-the-clock constituent service center 311, which is operated by the Constituent Service Division. CCE also facilitates and encourages resident participation in all aspects of City government and community activities. While balancing traditional outreach via print and local media, the department provides constituents expanded access to government information and services via a range of options from public meetings to eGovernment technologies including innovative web-based services, social media, and video streaming. In its efforts to inform, serve, and engage the community, CCE aims to provide quality constituent service, enhance the quality of life within the city, and help city government be responsive to community needs. The Department encompasses seven core program areas and one subdivision:

Contact Information
Denise Taylor
Dir. of Communications & Community Engagement

Monday - Wednesday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Phone Number
Fax Number

93 Highland Ave.
Somerville, MA, MA 02143
United States

Employee Directory

Media Requests

All media inquiries are made to the Office of Communications & Community Engagement's media team. We are:

  • To reach all of us at once, email
  • Grace Munns, Deputy Director
    • Mobile: 781-823-9386 
    • Office: 617-625-6600 x2120
  • Denise Taylor, Director
    • Mobile: 857-523-9905
    • Office: 617-625-6600 x2103 


Programs & Initiatives

Slice of the City
Join us to celebrate Somerville’s open spaces, engage with the City outside of formal meetings, and of course – enjoy some pizza.
Civic Day
Civic Day is an activity-packed, all-ages event that aims to provide community members interactive opportunities to learn about Somerville’s local government, programs, services, and ways to get involved.
Be Somerville!
There are lots of ways to be involved with Somerville, shape the community, and share your talents, so get involved and Be Somerville!

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