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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Feb 17, 2025

Yoga with Louise (Council on Aging)

Yoga with Louise.

Yoga with Louise (Council on Aging)

Yoga with Louise.

Monthly Cultural Series Event (Council on Aging)

Join us for tons of laughs! David Shikes, a traveling storyteller and comedian will present his collection of humorous situations including New England jokes.

Somerville Redevelopment Authority Meeting

Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, this public meeting of the SRA is being conducted via remote participation.

Somerville Licensing Commission Meeting

This meeting of the Licensing Commission will be hybrid. This meeting is open to the public.

Somerville Commission for Women Meeting

The City of Somerville is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

CANCELLED: Historic Preservation Commission Meeting

This meeting has been cancelled

General Exercise at Holland Street (Council on Aging)

General Exercise

Please see flyer for details

Nutrition at Holland Street (Council on Aging)

Nutrition classes at Holland Street.

Please see flyer for additional information

General Exercise at Holland Street (Council on Aging)

General Exercise

Please see flyer for details

Veterans’ Commission on Monuments, Memorials and Dedications Meeting

Public meeting of the Somerville Veterans’ Commission on Monuments, Memorials and Dedications.

Virtual General Exercise (Council on Aging)

Virtual General Exercise

Email Michelle for Zoom link.

Human Rights Commission Meeting

This meeting will be held via Zoom

Neighborhood Meeting: 8 Medford St.

Neighborhood meeting sponsored by Ward 2 City Councillor Jefferson Thomas (J.T.) Scott

Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting

Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, this meeting of the Somerville Zoning Board of Appeals will be conducted via remote participation.

Somerville-Cambridge Public Health Collaborative: Quarterly Advisory Board Meeting (Initial)

Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, this meeting of the Somerville-Cambridge Public Health Collaborative Advisory Board, will be conducted via remote participation.

Bingo at Holland Street (Council on Aging)

Bingo at Holland Street

Please see flyer for more information.

Trivia & Tunes (Council on Aging)

Rescheduled from Thursday, February 6th.

Trivia and Tunes combines questions designed for seniors across a board variety of categories with musical clues from artists like Sinatra, the Supremes, Dean Martin, Ella Fitzgerald and Elvis.  

Lunch will be served at 1:00 p.m.



Virtual General Exercise (Council on Aging)

Virtual General Exercise

Email Michelle for Zoom link.

FREE 19+ Vaccine Clinic (Flu and COVID-19)

Both flu and COVID-19 vaccines are conveniently offered at multiple locations across Somerville, improving access for all residents.

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