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Absentee ballot applications for the 11/5 Presidential Election due by 9/26.
Poll workers needed for November 5th Presidential Election.

Reports and Decisions

PLEASE NOTE: Applications made before April 15, 2011 are not included in this listing and can be found by clicking here.

Street Number Case Number First Hearing Date Decisions Other Reports Updated date Sort ascending Applicant(s)
Water Street 250 PB 2017-23 Dec 14 , 2017 Decision , Plan Revision Plan Set 1 , Plan Set 2 , Application Staff Memo

DW NP Property, LLC

Washington St 263 ZBA 2017-40 Oct 04 , 2017 Decision , Plan Revision - Major Amendment , Decision - Condition Removal , Plan Revision 1 , Plan Revision 2 Final Plans Staff Memo , Staff Memo - Condition Removal

261-263 Washington Somerville, LLC

Somerville Ave 583 P&Z21-073 Jul 27 , 2021 Decision Plans

585 Somerville Ave LLC

Washington 121 ZBA 2019-111 Nov 06 , 2019 Decision , Plan Revision Plans , Updated Plans Staff Memo , Updated Staff Memo

Wooden Teeth, LLC

Washington St 105-107 ZBA 2017-91 Feb 14 , 2018 Decision , Plan Revision Plan Set Staff Memo

105 Washington 5 LLC

Union Square 71-72 CZC2020-00039 Apr 01 , 2021 Minor SPA Decision , SPA & SP Decision , Approved Plans , Plan Revision Narrative , TAP , TIS , Drawings Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo , Staff Meeting Report

Laxmi N. Pradhan, Trustee of Everest Realty Trust

Tufts Street 31 P&Z20-004 Jun 23 , 2021 Decision , Plan Revision Application , Plan Set Staff Memo

E3 Development LLC

Sycamore Street 8-10 ZBA 2019-61 Nov 20 , 2019 Decision , Plan Revision - Landscape , Plan Revision Plan Set 1 , Plan Set 2 Staff Memo

Creative Property Solutions, LLC

Somerville Avenue 515 ZBA 2018-122-R1-7/19 Aug 07 , 2019 Decision , Annulled Decision , Plan Revision , Plan Revision Decision Memo on Changes , Civil Plans , Accessibility Memo , Arch Plans , Combined Plan Set Staff Memo

YEM Somerville Ave LLC

Somerville Avenue 471 ZBA 2019-74 Sep 18 , 2019 Decision , Plan Revision Plan Set 1 , Plan Set 2 , Plan Set 3 Staff Memo

471 Somerville Ave, LLC

Prospect St 109-111 ZBA 2018-139 Dec 12 , 2018 Decision , Plan Revision Plan Set 1 , Plan Set 2 , Updated Plan Set , Plot Plan Staff Memo

109-111 Prospect St Somerville, LLC

Morrison Avenue 2 ZBA 2018-146 Jan 09 , 2019 Decision , Plan Revision Plans 1 , Plans 2 , Plans 3 Staff Memo

Tal Patlazaan and Sophie Simkin

Middlesex Ave 120-132 MP#2020-0003 Nov 04 , 2020 Decision , Plan Revision MMP , Hardship Variance Narrative , Variance Application , MPSP Application , MPSP Appendices Staff Memo , Variance Memo

Brickyard at Assembly LLC

McGrath Highway 771 PB 2014-31 R1/0502 Jun 19 , 2022 Decision , Plan Revision 1 , Plan Revision 2 , Plan Revision 3 Plans - NE SW , Plans - NW , Plans - SE Staff Memo

Anthony Gulluccio

Somerville Ave 379 CZC20-000104 Apr 08 , 2021 UDC Recommendation , Decision Planning Board Submission , TAP , Sustainability Narrative , Stormwater Report , Planning Board Re-Submission , PHIUS+ Project Certification Contract Staff Memo

Somerville Ave LLC

Highland Ave 393 ZBA 2019-123 Nov 20 , 2019 Decision , Plan Revision Plans Staff Memo

393 Highland Avenue, LLC

Hudson Street 156 ZBA 2019-36 Jun 05 , 2019 Decision , Plan Revision Plan Set 5/9/19 , Shadow Studies , Plan Set 6/17/19 , Plan Set 7/18/19 Staff Memo , Updated Staff Memo 1 , Updated Staff Memo 2

North America Development

Kent St 45 ZBA 2017-90 Aug 08 , 2018 Decision , Plan Revision Plan Set 1 , Plan Set 2 Staff Memo

Angela Schifano

McGrath Hwy 15 P&Z 21-062 Feb 03 , 2022 Decision , Plan Revision Application , TIS , TAP , MMP , Response to Feb 3 PB Comments UDC Recommendation , Staff Memo

15 McGrath Hwy Owner LLC

Beacon Street 292-294 ZBA 2018-118 Nov 07 , 2018 Decision , Plan Revision Plan Set Staff Memo

Kenn Spera

Beacon Street 260 ZBA 2019-75 Aug 07 , 2019 Decision Sign Plan , Arch Plans Staff Memo

Pfaff Welness, LLC dba Barre3 c/o Simone Bernstein

Beacon 121 ZBA 2019-121 Nov 20 , 2019 Plans

Christopher Cassa

Beacon 303 ZBA 2019-121 Nov 20 , 2019 Decision , Plan Revision Plans Staff Memo

Christopher Cassa

Eastman Rd 21 P&Z 21-121 Dec 15 , 2021 Decision , Plan Revision Plan Set , Variance Narrative , Erosion Control Plan , Geotech Report , Geotech Report , ReCon Retaining Wall Structural Calculations , Storm Drainage Report , Storm Drainage Summary , Soil Test Pit , Plan Set , Variance Diagrams , Comparative Massing Model (2019 v. 2022 plans) , Zoning Code Plan Set , Zoning Code Presentation Boards , Eastman Rd 21 - Plans 1-21-2022 Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo (Jan 14) , Supplemental Staff Memo (Jan 28)

SGL Development/21 Eastman, LLC

Francesca Avenue 41-43 ZBA 2019-07 Mar 20 , 2019 Decision , Plan Revision 2 , Plan Revision 1 Plan Set - 2/26/19 , Plan Set - 3/8/19 , Plan Set - 4/26/19 Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

Yuan Kui Shen

Fremont St 17 ZBA 2018-61 Sep 05 , 2018 Decision , Plan Revision Plan Set - Initial , Plan Set - Updated Staff Memo

Yinhai Yang & Mei Bai

Aldersey 9-11 P&Z - 22-090 Aug 03 , 2022 Plan Revision Plans Staff Memo

9-11 Aldersey Street, LLC

Aldersey St 9-11 ZBA 2003-25 Jan 06 , 2021 Decision Remand Plan Set , Remand Plan Set (updated) Staff Memo , Staff Memo (updated)

Gerard Meehan, Trustee, G&T Realty Trust

Aldersey St 9-11 ZBA 2003-25 Dec 16 , 2020 Aldersey 9-11 - ZBA REmand Plan Set.pdf

Gerard Meehan, Trustee, G&T Realty Trust

Aldersey St 12 ZBA 2019-80 Aug 30 , 2019 Aldersey St 12.pdf Aldersey St 12 - Plan Set.pdf , Aldersey St 12 - Updated Plan Set for Septmeber 18, 2019 ZBA.pdf Aldersey St 12 - Staff Report.pdf , Aldersey St 12 - Updated Staff Report for Sept 18 2019 ZBA.pdf

Vladimir & Lara Jaugust

Somerville Ave 599 P&Z 20-031 Jan 06 , 2022 Decision Narrative , Narrative Site Diagrams , Site Plan , Plans , Landscape Plans , Neighborhood Meeting Reports , UDC Recommendation , MMP , TIS , TAP Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

Rafi Properties

Oak St 10 P&Z 21-132 Sep 07 , 2022 Decision Narrative , Site Photos Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

Fidelis Bridge Loan Venture V REO LLC

Broadway 725 P&Z 22-151 Decision Sign Plan , Facade Elevations , Zoning Dimensional Compliance Table

Edward and Margaret Pignone

South Street 153 P&Z 22-108 Oct 27 , 2022 Decision Narrative , Draft Lotting Plan , Subdivision Plan of Land , Subdivision Plan of Land for Registered Land Staff Memo

Owner Boynton Yards LandCo, LLC

South Street 153 P&Z 22-008 Oct 27 , 2022 Decision Narrative , Plans , Meeting Reports Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

Owner Boynton Yards LandCo, LLC

Harding Street 2, 8, & 29 P&Z 22-007 Oct 27 , 2022 Decision Narrative , Plans , Meeting Reports , Landscape & Green Score Plans , Sustainability Documents , Transportation Documents , Transportation Access Plan , Environmental Impact Documents , Existing Tree Removal Plan , Revised Meeting Report , Revised Ground Floor Plan Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

Owner Boynton LandCo, LLC

College Ave 109 P&Z 22-144 Decision Sign Plan & Application Materials

Batten Bros Sign Advertising

Beacon St 292-294 P&Z 22-047 May 04 , 2022 Decision Site Plan (Revised) Staff Memo

Kenneth Spera

Middlesex Ave Block 21 5 P&Z20-0015 Jun 10 , 2021 Decision SPSR Application Staff Memo

BRE-BMR Middlesex LLC

Middlesex Ave 74 P&Z 21-022 Nov 18 , 2021 Decision Narrative , Plans & Drawings , Renderings , Landscape Drawings , Sustainability Documents , Neighborhood Meeting Report , Zoning Compliance , Appendix UDC Recommendation , Staff Memo

74M Property Owner LLC

Middlesex Ave 120-132 P&Z 21-146 Nov 03 , 2021 Decision Hardship Variance Narrative Staff Memo

DWCH Assembly Row LLC

Highland Ave 393 P&Z 22-152 Decision Architectural Plans

393 Highland Ave, LLC 

Broadway 385 P&Z 22-133 Decision Sign Plan , Zoning Table

 ArtDesigns LLC

McGrath Hwy 394 P&Z 21-122 Aug 18 , 2022 Decision Plans , TAP , Sustainability Letter Stage 1 , Sustainability CRM , Affordable Housing Acknowledgement , UDC Recommendation , Neighborhood Mtg 1 , Neighborhood Meeting 2 , Updated Plan Set , Final Plan Set Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo 2 , Supplemental Staff Memo 3

Contempo Builders

Berkeley Street 36 P&Z 22-068 Oct 26 , 2022 Decision Hardship Variance Narrative , Plot Plan , Plan Set Staff Memo

Owners Erich Ludwig and Allision Ross

Webster St 50 P&Z 22-073 Apr 08 , 2022 Decision Thoroughfare Site Plan , Updated Transportation Access Plan , Updated TAP (9/14/22) , Response Presentation Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

US Union Square D3.1 Owner LLC

Webster St 50 P&Z 21-060 Jul 21 , 2022 Decision Building Project Narrative , Building Compliance Narrative , Building Environmental Analysis , Building Site Plan , Building Transportation Access Plan , Building Appendix Documents , Building CRM , Building UDC Recommendation , UDC Submission Narrative 2021-10-19 , UDC Submission Presentation 2021-10-19 , UDC Submission 2021-11-23 , Updated Sidewalk Plan , Updated Transportation Access Plan , Screening Plan and CDSP Site Compliance , Updated TAP (9/14/22) , Response Presentation Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

US Union Square D3.1 Owner LLC

Webster St 50 P&Z 21-166 Aug 04 , 2022 Decision Civic Space Project Narrative , Civic Space Compliance Narrative , Civic Space Environmental Analysis , Civic Space Appendix , Civic Space UDC Recommendation , UDC Submission Narrative 2021-10-19 , UDC Submission Presentation 2021-10-19 , UDC Submission 2021-11-23 , Civic Space Site Plan , Updated Sidewalk Plan , Updated Transportation Access Plan , Updated TAP (9/14/22) , Response Presentation Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

US Union Square D3.1 Owner LLC

Clarendon Hill 00 40B#2020-0001 Jun 10 , 2020 Clarendon Hill - FINAL DECISION.pdf , Clarendon Hill 40B - Decision Filed with City Clerk.pdf Complete Packet for Sept 16 P&Z_40B Overview (20.06.03).pdf , Clarendon Hill - Staff Report (09.16.20) POST.pdf , Clarendon Hill - Draft Conditions FINAL.pdf

Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH), Redgate, & Somerville Community Corporation

Washington St 10 P&Z 21-134 Sep 08 , 2022 Decision Narrative , Plan Set , MMP , Neighborhood Meeting Report , Design Review Report , Plot Plan , TAP , TIS , Sustainable & Resilient Buildings Questionnaire , LEED Certifiability Documentation , Landscape Plans , Public Realm Site Plan , Green Score Staff Memo

Paradigm Direct Roland, LLC

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