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Absentee ballot applications for the 11/5 Presidential Election due by 9/26.
Poll workers needed for November 5th Presidential Election.

Reports and Decisions

PLEASE NOTE: Applications made before April 15, 2011 are not included in this listing and can be found by clicking here.

Street Number Case Number First Hearing Date Decisions Other Reports Updated date Applicant(s)
Somerville Ave 391-395 P&Z 23-039 Jul 19 , 2023 Decision Narrative Staff Memo

Isaias and Victor Martins

Middlesex Ave 120-132 P&Z 23-059 Jul 19 , 2023 Decision Narrative Staff Memo

DWCH Assembly Row, LLC

Rogers Avenue 118 P&Z 23-036 Jul 19 , 2023 Decision Narrative , Plans , Presentation Staff Memo

Valerie Humblet

Clyde Street 14 P&Z 23-046 Jun 14 , 2023 Decision Hardship Variance Narrative , Architectural Plans , Site Plan Staff Memo

Rajiv and Anupama Raman

Medford Street 16 & 20 P&Z 23-011 Jun 01 , 2023 Decision Narrative , Summary of Revisions , Major Amendment Confirmation Letter , Plan Set , Land Title Survey , Site Plan Approval Decision , Special Permit Decision , Revised Plan Set , Letter to PB Regarding Revisions , Updated NM Report , LEED Narrative & Scorecard , Passive House Narrative , Sustainability Questionaire Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

Somerville Living, LLC

Medford Street 16 & 20 P&Z 23-012 Jun 01 , 2023 Decision Parking Relief Narrative , Plan Set - 3/2023 , Parking Study , Neighborhood Meeting Report , Transportation Access Plan , Previously Approved Mobility Management Plan , Plan Set - 7/2023 , Updated NM Report Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

Somerville Living, LLC

Broadway 366 P&Z 21-175 Jun 01 , 2023 Decision Narrative , Plan Set , Land Title Survey , Neighborhood Meeting Report , Design Review Report , Mobility Management Plan , Transportation Access Plan , Sustainability Narrative , Net Zero Narrative , Passive House Feasibility Study , Unit Matrix , Revised Plan Set , Summary of Changes Letter to PB Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

366 Broadway, LLC

Prospect St 51 P&Z 21-181 May 04 , 2023 Decision Narrative , Abutting Context Narrative , Renderings , Plans , Neighborhood Mtg 1 Report , Neighborhood Mtg 2 Report , Neighborhood Mtg 3 Report , Applicant Response to Planning Board , Revised Landscape Plan , Revised Illustrative Site Plan Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo - 5/11/23 , Supplemental Staff Memo - 5/25/23

Eversource Energy

Francesca Ave 21 P&Z 23.001 May 03 , 2023 Staff Memo

Manuel apeda and Katherine Jong

Trull Street 45 P&Z 22-168 May 03 , 2023 Staff Memo

Alexandra Teyssandier

McGrath Highway 1 P&Z 21-028 Apr 20 , 2023 Decision Narrative , Site Plans , Architectural Plans , Landscape Plans , Context Analysis , Signage Plans , Mobility Documents , TIS Appendices , OSE Documents Pt 1 , OSE Documents Pt 2 , OSE Docs Pt 1 UPDATE Staff Memo

Somerbridge Hotel, LLC

McGrath Highway 1 P&Z 23-032 Apr 19 , 2023 Decision Narrative , Site Plans , Architectural Plans Staff Memo

Somerbridge Hotel, LLC

Broadway 114-120 P&Z 22-171 Apr 06 , 2023 Decision Narrative.pdf Staff Memo

Good Food Restaurant, LLC

Broadway 46 P&Z 23-026 Apr 06 , 2023 Decision Signage Plan Staff Memo

CRG Graphics

Ivaloo Street 18 P&Z 22-158 Apr 05 , 2023 Decision Hardship Variance Narrative , Site Plan and Elevations , Land Title Survey Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

Owner(s) Mika Cheng and Dan Flynn

Broadway 483 P&Z 2023-016 Apr 05 , 2023 Staff Memo

Tavis Babbitt

Broadway 620 P&Z 21-145 Mar 15 , 2023 Decision - Site Plan Approval , Decision - Special Permit Neighborhood Meeting 1 Report , Neighborhood Meeting 2 Report , Mobility Documents , Narrative , OSE Documents , Project Plans , TAP , Supplemental Neighborhood Report , Supplemental Documents 7/13/23 , Conceptual Marking Plan , Updated TAP Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo 5/26/23 , Supplemental Staff Memo 7/13/23 , Supplemental Staff Memo - 11/8/23 , Supplemental Staff Memo - 12/14/23

620 Broadway, LLC

Broadway 595 P&Z 23-014 Mar 01 , 2023 City of Medford Decision , Decision Extension Request Narrative , Special Permit Decision , Previous Extension Decision Staff Memo

Fidelis Bridge Loan Venture V REO LLC

Elm Street 256-260 P&Z 21-039 Feb 02 , 2023 Decision Version 1 - Narrative , V1 - Zoning Compliance Table , V1 - UDC Recommendation , V1 - Tree Plan , V1 - TIS , V1 - TAP , V1 - MMP , V1 - Sun Study , V1 - Sustainability Documents , V1 - Site Plan , V1 - Signage Plan , V1 - Shadow Study , V1 - Rooftop Mechanical , V1 - Renderings , V1 - Plot Plan , V1 - Plat Plan , V1 - NM 1 Report , V1 - NM 2 Report , V1 - Lighting Plan , V1 - LEED Scorecard , V1 - Building Sections , V1 - Building Plans , V1 - Building Elevation , V1 - Area Calculations , V1 - Mobility CRM , V1 - OSE CRM , V1 - Roof Plan , V1 - Updated Area Calculations , V1 - Renderings , Version 2 - Narrative , V2 - Building Elevations , V2 - Building Sections , V2 - Design Review Report , V2 - Floor Plans , V2 - Green Score Documents , V2 - Area Calculations , V2 - Lighting Plan , V2 - MMP , V2 - NM Report 1 , V2 - NM Report 2 , V2 - Plat Plan , V2 - Plot Plan , V2 - Site Plan , V2 - Signage Plan , V2 - Shadow Study , V2 - Sustainability Documents , V2 - TAP , V2 - TIS , V2 - TIS Appendices , V2 - Tree Plan , V2 - Zoning Compliance Table , Planning Board Presentation - March 16, 2023 Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo , Staff Memo - 3/9/23 , Supplemental Staff Memo - 3/31/23

AP Davis Square Plaza, LLC

Elm Street 270 P&Z 21-042 Feb 02 , 2023 Decision Version 1 - Narrative , V1 - UDC Recommendation , V1 - Site Plan , V1 - Sustainability Documents , V1 - Site Furnishings Plan , V1 - Plot Plan , V1 - Lighting Plan , V1 - Layout Plan , V1 - Landscape Plan , V1 - Design Review Report , V1 - Conceptual Grading & Drainage Plan , V1 - Civic Space Zoning Table , V1 - Civic Space Study , V1 - Civic Space Signage Regulation Plans , V1 - Civic Space Signage Plans , V1 - Illustrative Site Plan , V1 - Plaza Renderings , V1 - NM 1 Report , V1 - NM 2 Report , Version 2 - Narrative , V2 - Civic Space Signage Plans , V2 - Civic Space Study , V2 - Conceptual Grading & Drainage Plan , V2 - Design Review Report , V2 - Illustrated Furnishings Plan , V2 - Illustrative Site Plan , V2 - Landscape Plans , V2 - Layout Plan , V2 - Lighting Plan , V2 - Plat Plan , V2 - Plot Plan , V2 - NM 1 Report , V2 - NM 2 Report , V2 - Site Plan , V2 - Tree Plan , V2 - Zoning Compliance Table , Planning Board Presentation - March 16, 2023 Staff Memo

AP Davis Square Plaza, LLC

McGrath Hwy 200 P&Z 22-097 Jan 05 , 2023 Decision Application , Transportation Access Plan , Program Change Memo Jan 19 Staff Memo , Feb 10 Staff Memo , Feb 24 Staff Memo , March 31 Supplemental Staff Memo

US McGrath Owner, LLC

Morrison Ave 231 P&Z 22-143 Dec 14 , 2022 Decision Hardship Variance Narrative , Additional Hardship Variance Narrative , Land Title Survey , Pergola Drawing , Photos of Constructed Pergola , Reference Materials for ZBA , Letter to ZBA on History of Japanese Wisteria , Hardship Variance Argument Staff Memo

Owner David Fang

Beacon Street 292-294 P&Z 22-167 Dec 14 , 2022 Decision Narrative Staff Memo

Capital Equity Partners

Derby Street 74 P&Z 21-193 Nov 30 , 2022 Decision Hardship Variance Narrative , Land Title Survey , Plans , Existing Condition Plans , Model Renderings , Photos of Existing Conditions 1 , Photos of Existing Conditions 2 , Existing Conditions Exhibit Staff Memo

Owners Michael and Andrea Keenan

Broadway 620 P&Z 22-138 Nov 30 , 2022 Decision Narrative Staff Memo

620 Broadway LLC

Broadway 299 P&Z 22-092 Nov 30 , 2022 Decision Narrative 11/8/22 , Submission Forms 11/8/22 , Mobility Package 11/8/22 , Mobility Appendices 11/8/22 , Sustainability & Environment Package 11/8/22 , Site Plans - Site-Wide 11/8/22 , Lot 1/Building A Plans 11/8/22 , Lot 1/Sewall Park Plans 11/8/22 , Lot 2/Building B Plans 11/8/22 , Lot 2/Civic Plaza Plans 11/8/22 , Lot 3 Plans 11/8/22 , Lot 4 Plans 11/8/22 , Shadow Study 11/8/22 , Waiver List 11/8/22 , Waiver List 12/8/22 , Green Score Package 12/7/22 , Site Plans - Site Wide 1/12/23 , Lot 2/Civic Plaza Plans 1/12/23 , Waiver List 1/12/23 , Lot 1/Sewall Park Plans 1/12/23 , Mobility Package 1/12/23 , PB Recommendation 1/12/23 , Waiver List 1/19/23 , Lot 1/Building A Plans 1/12/23 , Lot 1/Building A Plans 1/26/23 , Lot 2/Building B Plans 1/12/23 , MMP Decision 1/26/23 Staff Memo 11/22/22 , Supplemental Staff Memo 12/9/22 , Staff Memo 1/27/23 , Draft Conditions of Approval

Mark Development LLC, Beacon Communities Services LLC, and RISE Together LLC

Hamilton Rd 42-44 P&Z 22-111 Nov 30 , 2022 Decision Narrative , Site & Floor Plans , Neighborhood Meeting Report , Plan Set , Accessibility Exhibit Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo 12/29/22 , Supplemental Staff Memo 2/9/23

Owner Jusan Yang

Harding Street 2, 8, & 29 P&Z 22-007 Oct 27 , 2022 Decision Narrative , Plans , Meeting Reports , Landscape & Green Score Plans , Sustainability Documents , Transportation Documents , Transportation Access Plan , Environmental Impact Documents , Existing Tree Removal Plan , Revised Meeting Report , Revised Ground Floor Plan Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

Owner Boynton LandCo, LLC

South Street 153 P&Z 22-108 Oct 27 , 2022 Decision Narrative , Draft Lotting Plan , Subdivision Plan of Land , Subdivision Plan of Land for Registered Land Staff Memo

Owner Boynton Yards LandCo, LLC

South Street 153 P&Z 22-008 Oct 27 , 2022 Decision Narrative , Plans , Meeting Reports Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

Owner Boynton Yards LandCo, LLC

Berkeley Street 36 P&Z 22-068 Oct 26 , 2022 Decision Hardship Variance Narrative , Plot Plan , Plan Set Staff Memo

Owners Erich Ludwig and Allision Ross

Washington St 10 P&Z 21-134 Sep 08 , 2022 Decision Narrative , Plan Set , MMP , Neighborhood Meeting Report , Design Review Report , Plot Plan , TAP , TIS , Sustainable & Resilient Buildings Questionnaire , LEED Certifiability Documentation , Landscape Plans , Public Realm Site Plan , Green Score Staff Memo

Paradigm Direct Roland, LLC

Central St. 141 P&Z 21-104 Sep 07 , 2022 Plans , Project Narrative , Neighborhood Meeting Report Staff Memo

Tobin Wells

Oak St 10 P&Z 21-132 Sep 07 , 2022 Decision Narrative , Site Photos Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

Fidelis Bridge Loan Venture V REO LLC

McGrath Hwy 394 P&Z 21-122 Aug 18 , 2022 Decision Plans , TAP , Sustainability Letter Stage 1 , Sustainability CRM , Affordable Housing Acknowledgement , UDC Recommendation , Neighborhood Mtg 1 , Neighborhood Meeting 2 , Updated Plan Set , Final Plan Set Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo 2 , Supplemental Staff Memo 3

Contempo Builders

Assembly Row 325-375 P&Z 22-101 Aug 18 , 2022 Decision Fire Feature Plans , Bocce Area Plans Staff Memo

Street Retail, LLC

Bow St 59 P&Z 21-017 Aug 18 , 2022 Decision Plans , Narrative , TAP , UDC Recommendation , Neighborhood Mtg 1 , Neighborhood Mtg 2 , Shadow Study , Updated Unit and Landscaping Drawings , Bow St 59 - Plans (Updated) , Bow St 59 - Summary of Changes Staff Memo , Staff Memo (Supplemental) , Staff Memo (Supplemental 2)

59-61 Bow St., LLC

Elm St 231-249 P&Z 21-068 Aug 04 , 2022 Decision Narrative , Plan Set , Plot Plan , Signage and Lighting Plan , Sustainability Documents , Landscape Plan Set , Lighting Documents , Dark Sky Compliance , Design Review Report , Mobility CRM , MMP , TIS , TAP , Neighborhood Meeting 1 Report , Neighborhood Meeting 2 Report Staff Memo , Updated Staff Memo

Scape Davis Square, LLC

Webster St 50 P&Z 21-166 Aug 04 , 2022 Decision Civic Space Project Narrative , Civic Space Compliance Narrative , Civic Space Environmental Analysis , Civic Space Appendix , Civic Space UDC Recommendation , UDC Submission Narrative 2021-10-19 , UDC Submission Presentation 2021-10-19 , UDC Submission 2021-11-23 , Civic Space Site Plan , Updated Sidewalk Plan , Updated Transportation Access Plan , Updated TAP (9/14/22) , Response Presentation Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

US Union Square D3.1 Owner LLC

Webster St 50 P&Z 22-067 Aug 04 , 2022 Subdivision Plan Set Staff Memo

US Union Square D3.1 Owner LLC

Middlesex Ave 120-132 P&Z 21-146 Aug 03 , 2022 Narrative Staff Memo

DWCH Assembly Row, LLC

Aldersey 9-11 P&Z - 22-090 Aug 03 , 2022 Plan Revision Plans Staff Memo

9-11 Aldersey Street, LLC

Webster St 50 P&Z 21-060 Jul 21 , 2022 Decision Building Project Narrative , Building Compliance Narrative , Building Environmental Analysis , Building Site Plan , Building Transportation Access Plan , Building Appendix Documents , Building CRM , Building UDC Recommendation , UDC Submission Narrative 2021-10-19 , UDC Submission Presentation 2021-10-19 , UDC Submission 2021-11-23 , Updated Sidewalk Plan , Updated Transportation Access Plan , Screening Plan and CDSP Site Compliance , Updated TAP (9/14/22) , Response Presentation Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

US Union Square D3.1 Owner LLC

Beacon St 205 P&Z 22-027 Jul 13 , 2022 Decision Hardship Variance Narrative , Plot Plan , Building Massing Renderings , Elevations , Landscape Plan , Hardship Variance Key Plan , Revised Grading Plan , Existing Conditions Photo 1 , Existing Conditions Photo 2 , Copy of Certificate of Zoning Compliance , Copy of Building Permit Staff Memo

717-719 Washington Street, LLC

Somerville Ave 515 P&Z 22-069 Jul 13 , 2022 Decision Plan Revision - Lighting Staff Memo

YEM Somerville Ave LLC

Sycamore Street 14 P&Z 21-176 Jul 13 , 2022 Decision Narrative , Plot Plan , Proposed Site Plan , Abutters Petition , Photo of Existing Driveway 1 , Photo of Existing Driveway 2 , Hardship Variance Argument , Easement and Maintenance Agreement with Abutter Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo

David Smith and Jeanne Riley

Broadway 337 P&Z 22-053 Jul 07 , 2022 Decision Narrative , Sign Plan

KLT Corp.

Highland Ave 378 P&Z 22-063 Jun 30 , 2022 Decision Drawings

SRP Sign Corporation

McGrath Highway 771 PB 2014-31 R1/0502 Jun 19 , 2022 Decision , Plan Revision 1 , Plan Revision 2 , Plan Revision 3 Plans - NE SW , Plans - NW , Plans - SE Staff Memo

Anthony Gulluccio

Medford Street 16 & 20 P&Z 21-057 Jun 16 , 2022 Site Plan Approval Decision , Correction of Administartive Error , Special Permit Decision Neighborhood Meeting Report , Plan Set , Certified Plot Plan , Mobility Management Plan , Transportation Access Plan , Transportation Impact Study , LEED Affidavit , Sustainable & Resilient Buildings Questionnaire , Affordable Housing Acknowledgment , Revised Plan Set , Narrative , Design Review Report , Letter to Planning Board , Traffic Response Letter , Updated Plan Set Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo #2 , Updated Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo #3

Somerville Living, LLC

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