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Vote by Mail Applications for the 11/5 Presidential Election due by 9/26.
Poll workers needed for November 5th Presidential Election.

Reports and Decisions

PLEASE NOTE: Applications made before April 15, 2011 are not included in this listing and can be found by clicking here.

Street Sort ascending Number Case Number First Hearing Date Decisions Other Reports Updated date Applicant(s)
Prospect St 70 ZBA 2013-34 Jun 05 , 2013 legacy/documents/ProspectSt70 (V).pdf legacy/documents/70 Prospect St Plans 04.18.13.pdf legacy/documents/rnd/ProspectSt70StaffReport 05.30.13.pdf
Prospect St 51 P&Z 21-181 May 04 , 2023 Decision Narrative , Abutting Context Narrative , Renderings , Plans , Neighborhood Mtg 1 Report , Neighborhood Mtg 2 Report , Neighborhood Mtg 3 Report , Applicant Response to Planning Board , Revised Landscape Plan , Revised Illustrative Site Plan Staff Memo , Supplemental Staff Memo - 5/11/23 , Supplemental Staff Memo - 5/25/23

Eversource Energy

Prospect St 97 ZBA 2013-57 Sep 04 , 2013 legacy/documents/ProspectSt97.pdf legacy/documents/Plans (POST)_7.pdf , legacy/documents/Perspectives (POST)_3.pdf , legacy/documents/Prospect St 97 - Parking Memo.pdf legacy/documents/rnd/Prospect St 97 - Staff Report (POST).pdf
Prospect St 70 PB 2012-21 Dec 13 , 2012 legacy/documents/ProspectSt70.pdf legacy/documents/Prospect St 70 - Plans 11-21-12 (POST).pdf , legacy/documents/Prospect St 70 - Plans 2013-03-14 (POST).pdf , legacy/documents/traffic-study-revised_2013-01-24_with-appendix.pdf , legacy/documents/Prospect St 70 - Plans 2013-04-18 (POST)_0.pdf legacy/documents/rnd/ProspectSt70StaffReport.pdf , legacy/documents/ProspectSt70StaffReport 04.18.13.pdf
Prospect St 109-111 ZBA 2018-139 Dec 12 , 2018 Decision , Plan Revision Plan Set 1 , Plan Set 2 , Updated Plan Set , Plot Plan Staff Memo

109-111 Prospect St Somerville, LLC

Prospect St 92-96 ZBA 2013-21 Jul 10 , 2013 legacy/documents/ProspectSt92-96.pdf legacy/documents/Prospect 92-96 - Plans 7-3-2013.pdf , legacy/documents/Prospect St 92-96 - Traffic Memo updated 7-3-2013.pdf legacy/documents/rnd/Prospect 92-96 - Staff Report (POST).pdf
Prospect Hill Ave 7 ZBA2008-03
Prospect Hill Ave 12 ZBA2009-62
Prospect 113 ZBA 2016-111 Nov 16 , 2016 ProspectSt113.pdf Prospect St 113 - Plans.pdf Prospect St 113 - Staff Report.pdf

Lieba Savitt

Properzi Way 92-100 ZBA 2012-34-R1-5/2014 Jun 18 , 2014 legacy/documents/ProperziWay92-100_0.pdf legacy/documents/Properzi Way 92 - Revised Site Plan 5-29-2014 (POST).pdf , legacy/documents/Properzi Way 92-100 - Plans 7-12-12 (POST).pdf legacy/documents/rnd/Properzi Way 92-100 - Staff Report_revision 1 (POST).pdf
Properzi Way 92 ZBA 2012-34 May 16 , 2012 legacy/documents/ProperziWay92-100.pdf legacy/documents/Properzi Way 92 - Plans (POST)_0.pdf , legacy/documents/Properzi Way 92 - Community Concerns & Responses (POST)_0.pdf , legacy/documents/Properzi Way 92 - Parking Memo (POST)_0.pdf , legacy/documents/Environmental Doc #1 - GZA Notice of Submission (POST)_0.pdf , legacy/documents/Environmental Doc #2 - Phase II Scope of Work (POST)_0.pdf , legacy/documents/Properzi Way 92-100 - Plans 5-11-12 (POST).pdf , legacy/documents/2012.04.26_CWDRC_Recommendations_Minutes_0.pdf , legacy/documents/Properzi Way 92-100 - Plans 7-12-12 11x17 (POST).pdf legacy/documents/rnd/Properzi Way 92-100 - Staff Report (POST).pdf , legacy/documents/Properzi Way 92-100 - Staff Report 7-26-12 (POST).pdf
Properzi Way 100 ZBA2007-61
Properzi Way 100 ZBA2008-61-R0408
Properzi Way 80 ZBA 2014-34 May 21 , 2014 legacy/documents/ProperziWay80.pdf legacy/documents/Properzi Way 80 - Plans 4-17-2014 (POST).pdf legacy/documents/rnd/Properzi Way 80 - Staff Report (POST).pdf
Princeton St 42 ZBA 2015-50 Aug 05 , 2015 legacy/documents/PrincetonSt42.pdf legacy/documents/Plans (POST)_50.pdf legacy/documents/rnd/Princeton 42 - Staff Report (POST).pdf
Preston Street 11 ZBA 2018-22 Apr 18 , 2018 PrestonRd11.pdf Plan Set 1-10-18.pdf 11 Preston Rd Staff Report.pdf

K&K Development, Inc.

Preston Rd 42 ZBA 2011-91 Jan 04 , 2012 legacy/documents/PrestonRd42.pdf legacy/documents/Preston Rd 42 - Plans (POST).pdf legacy/documents/rnd/Preston Rd 42 - SR (POST).pdf
Prescott Street 57 ZBA 2018-150 Nov 28 , 2018 ClerkM5070@somervillema.gov_20200901_155708.pdf 18.10.17_57 Prescott St_Plans.PDF , 18.12.06_57 Prescott St_Plans.PDF 57 Prescott St Staff Report.pdf

Alexander and Yael Asen

Prescott Street 6 ZP24-000030 Jun 05 , 2024 Decision Narrative , Plot Plan , Elevations , Neighborhood Meeting Report Staff Memo

Pioneer Architecture

Prescott Street 44-46 ZBA 2019-48 Jun 05 , 2019 44-46 Prescott Street.pdf Initial Plan Set - 5.2.19.pdf

Mitrano Erasmo G & Lisa Trustees

Prescott St 54 ZBA 2017-118 Feb 07 , 2018 PrescottSt54.pdf Prescott St 54 - Plans October 2017.pdf , Prescott St 54 - Plans for February 2018_0.pdf Prescott St 54- Staff Report.pdf

54 Prescott Street. LLC

Powderhouse Blvd 80 ZBA 2018-82 Aug 08 , 2018 PowderhouseBlvd80.pdf Powderhouse Blvd 80 - Plans.pdf , Powderhouse Blvd 80 - Stamped with corrected setback.pdf Powder House Blvd 80 - Staff Report.pdf

David Giller

Powderhouse Blvd 86 ZBA 2014-07 Mar 19 , 2014 legacy/documents/PowderhouseBlvd86.pdf legacy/documents/PowderHouse86Plans.pdf legacy/documents/rnd/PowderHouseBlvd86StaffReport.pdf
Powder House Boulevard 152 ZBA 2016-135 Oct 27 , 2016 PowderHouseBlvd152.pdf

152 Powder House, LLC

Powder House Blvd. 44 ZBA 2015-73 Oct 07 , 2015 legacy/documents/PowderHouseBlvd44.pdf legacy/documents/44 Powder House Plans Package.pdf legacy/documents/rnd/44 Powder House Blvd SR_0.pdf
Powder House Blvd 80 ZBA 2018-82-R1-2-19 Mar 20 , 2019 80 Powder House Blvd.pdf Powderhouse Blvd 80 - Plan Set-compressed.pdf , Powderhouse Blvd 80 - COMBINED Revised Plan set for May 15 2019 ZBA.pdf Powder House Blvd 80 - Staff Report with original Decision.pdf , Powder House Blvd 80 - UPDATED Staff Report ZBA 2018-82-R1-2-19.pdf

David J. Giller

Powder House Blvd 225 ZBA 2016-138 Jan 04 , 2017 PowderHouseBlvd225.pdf Plans 11 02 16.pdf Powderhouse Blvd 225 Staff Report.pdf , PowderHouseBlvd225_0.pdf

Karen A. Errico

Powder House Blvd 152 ZBA 2016-135 Jan 18 , 2017 Powder House Blvd 152 - Plan Set.pdf PowderHouseBlvd152_0.pdf

152 Powder House, LLC

Powder House Blvd 192 ZBA 2011-49 Jun 22 , 2011 legacy/documents/PowderHouseBlvd192.pdf legacy/documents/Powder House Blvd 192 - Plans (POST).pdf , legacy/documents/Powder House Blvd 192 - Submitted Photos.pdf legacy/documents/rnd/Powder House Blvd 192 - SR (POST).pdf
Powder House Blvd 255 CZC21-000032 Apr 28 , 2021 Powder House 255 Decision.pdf Powder House 255 - UPDATED Narrative-compressed.pdf Powder House 255 Staff Memo.pdf

Jonathan and Kathleen Evans

Powder House Blvd 52 ZBA2008-54
Porter Street 109 ZBA 2017-126 Jan 03 , 2018 PorterSt109.pdf Plan Set 10-26-17.pdf 109 Porter St Staff Report.pdf

Chris Winkler and Susan Wu

Porter Street 31 ZBA 2016-119 Nov 16 , 2016 PorterSt31 (WWOP).pdf

31 Porter Street, LLC

Porter St 23 ZBA 2011-60 Aug 17 , 2011 legacy/documents/PorterSt23.pdf legacy/documents/Porter St 23 - Plans 8-5-11 (POST).pdf , legacy/documents/Porter St 23 - Plans 8-31-11 (POST).pdf legacy/documents/rnd/Porter St 23 - SR (POST).pdf , legacy/documents/Porter St 23 - SR 9-1-11 (POST)_0.pdf
Porter St 27 ZBA 2011-33 May 18 , 2011 legacy/documents/PorterSt27.pdf legacy/documents/PorterSt27Plans(Post).pdf legacy/documents/rnd/PorterSt27_StaffReport.pdf
Porter St 23 ZBA 2011-09 May 18 , 2011 legacy/documents/PorterSt23 _SP_ WWOP.pdf legacy/documents/Porter St 23 - SP Plan 5-3-11 (POST).pdf legacy/documents/rnd/Porter St 23 - SR SP (POST).pdf
Porter St 17 ZBA 2016-90 Jul 12 , 2017 PorterSt17.pdf Porter St 17 - Final Plans.pdf Porter St 17 - Staff Report.pdf

Daniel & Amanda Casparriello

Porter St 23 ZBA 2011-05 May 18 , 2011 legacy/documents/PorterSt23 _AA_ Denied.pdf legacy/documents/Porter St 23 - Plans (POST).pdf legacy/documents/rnd/Porter St 23 - SR AA (POST)_1.pdf
Pitman Street 40 ZBA 2014-19 Mar 06 , 2014 legacy/documents/PitmanSt40.pdf legacy/documents/2014-09-22 Pitman 40 Plan Updates_0.pdf legacy/documents/rnd/Pitman 40 - Staff Report UPDATED.pdf
Pitman St / Beech St 9 18 ZBA2008-30
Pitman St 57 ZBA 2012-17 Apr 04 , 2012 legacy/documents/PitmanSt57.pdf legacy/documents/2011.07.28_CWDRC_Recommendations_Minutes_2.pdf , legacy/documents/Pitman St 57 - Plans 2-1-12.pdf , legacy/documents/Pitman St 57 - Plans 3-26-12 (POST).pdf , legacy/documents/2012.03.22_CWDRC_Recommendations_Minutes.pdf , legacy/documents/2012.05.24_CWDRC_Recommendations_Minutes_6.pdf , legacy/documents/Pitman St 57 - Plans 6-7-12 (POST).pdf , legacy/documents/Pitman St 57 - Parking Memorandum.pdf legacy/documents/rnd/Pitman St 57 - Staff Report (POST).pdf
Pitman St 22 ZBA 2015-56 Sep 02 , 2015 legacy/documents/PitmanSt22Plans.pdf legacy/documents/rnd/PitmanSt22StaffReport.pdf
Pitman 40 ZBA 2014-19 May 07 , 2014 legacy/documents/PitmanSt40_0.pdf legacy/documents/13087_40_Pitman St_SD_DD_04-16-14.pdf , legacy/documents/Parking Assessment 40 Pitman_10March2014.pdf , legacy/documents/2014-05-27 Pitman 40 Plans (POST).pdf , legacy/documents/2014-07-08 Pitman 40 Plans (POST).pdf , legacy/documents/2014-08-11 Pitman 40 Plans (POST).pdf , legacy/documents/2014-09-05 Pitman 40 Plans Eng & Site (POST).pdf , legacy/documents/2014-09-22 Pitman 40 Plan Updates.pdf legacy/documents/rnd/Pitman 40 - Staff Report.pdf , legacy/documents/Pitman 40 - Staff Report UPDATED.pdf
Pitman 40 ZBA 2014-19, R-1, 2-2016 Mar 16 , 2016 PitmanSt40_1.pdf Pitman 40 - Staff Report - Revision to SP.pdf

40 Pitman, LLC

Pinckney 13 ZBA 2017-63 Sep 06 , 2017 PinckenySt13.pdf PinckneySt13_Application.pdf , PinckneySt13_SketchLayout_fromSiteVisit.pdf , PinckneySt13_PreviousCitations.pdf PinckneySt13_StaffReport_100417.pdf

Jose Silva

Perry Street 10 ZP24-000010 Apr 03 , 2024 Decision Narrative , Proposed Plot Plan , Elevations , Permit Plan Set Staff Memo

Artisan Builders

Perkins Street 91 ZBA 2013-03 Mar 06 , 2013 legacy/documents/PerkinsSt91.pdf legacy/documents/Perkins St 91 - Plans (POST).pdf , legacy/documents/Perkins St 91 - Plot plan (POST).pdf legacy/documents/rnd/Perkins St 91 - Staff Report (POST).pdf
Perkins Street 91 ZBA 2017-115 Jan 17 , 2018 PerkinsSt91.pdf Perkins 91 - Combined Plan file for January 17 2018 ZBA.pdf Perkins St 91 - Staff Report.pdf

91 Perkins St. LLC

Pennsylvania Avenue 45-47 ZBA 2019-71 Aug 07 , 2019 Pennsylvania Ave 45-47.pdf 19.07.17_45-47 Pennsylvania Ave_Plan Set.pdf 45-47 Pennsylvania Ave Staff Report.pdf

Brain Tamm

Pearson Road 9 ZBA 2017-60 Jul 12 , 2017 PearsonRd9.pdf Plan Set 5-16-17.pdf , Plan Set 6-26-17.pdf 9 Pearson Rd Staff Report.pdf

Robert J. Hoey & Jacalyn Anne Crowe

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