First Name | Last Name Sort ascending | Department | Title | Phone Number | Phone Extension | Contact Email |
Nicholas | Salerno | Elections | Commissioner of Elections | 617-625-6600 | 4210 | send Email |
Joseph | Salamone | Inspectional Services Department (ISD) | Local Building Inspector | 617-625-6600 | 5622 | send Email |
Emanuel | Saez | Parks and Recreation | Administrative Assistant | 617-625-6600 | 2982 | send Email |
Alexander | Russell | Libraries | Library Assistant | 617-623-5000 | 2900 | send Email |
Jen | Ruggiero | Health and Human Services | Social Service Manager | 617-625-6600 | 4300 | send Email |
Jason | Ruf | Fire Department | Fire Fighter | 617-623-1700 | 8100 | send Email |
Robert | Rudolph | DPW - Highway | SHMEO Cement FinisherDPW Highway | 617-666-3311 | 5850 | send Email |
Daniel | Ruccolo | Traffic and Parking | Principal Clerk (Parking) | 617-666-3311 | 7908 | send Email |
Miranda | Rubin | Planning Board | Program Compliance Officer | 617-625-6600 | 2571 | send Email |
Thomas | Ross | Fire Department | Fire Fighter | 617-623-1700 | 8100 | send Email |
Steve | Ross | Inspectional Services Department (ISD) | Sealer of Weights & Measures | 617-625-6600 | 4327 | send Email |
Midalys | Rosario | Mayor's Office | Executive Administrative Assistant | 6176256600 | 2056 | send Email |
Victor | Romero Palomo | Traffic and Parking | Parking Control Officer | 617-666-3311 | 7900 | send Email |
Sergio | Rodriguez | Fire Department | Fire Fighter | 617-623-1700 | 8100 | send Email |
Kevin | Roche | DPW - Engineering | Deputy Director of Engineering Services | 617-625-6600 | 5417 | send Email |
Daniel | Roche | Fire Department | Fire Fighter | 617-623-1700 | 8100 | send Email |
Chris | Roche | Inspectional Services Department (ISD) | Deputy Sealer | 311 | 5907 | send Email |
Carla | Rocha | Assessing | Administrative Assistant | 617-625-6600 | 3115 | send Email |
Lisa | Robinson | Health and Human Services | Director of the Office of Food Access and Healthy Communities | 617-625-6600 | 4312 | send Email |
Marjorie | Rizzo | Grants Development | ARPA Finance Specialist | 6176256600 | 2132 | send Email |
Jay | Rizzo | Information Technology (IT) | Network Manager | 617-625-6600 | 3262 | send Email |
Amber | Rizzo | Condominium Review Board | Housing Compliance Program Coordinator | 617-625-6600 | 2579 | send Email |
Melissa | Ripley | City Clerk | Assistant City Clerk | 617-625-6600 | 4112 | send Email |
Suzanne | Rinfret | Traffic and Parking | Director of Traffic and Parking | 617-666-3311 | 7910 | send Email |
Andy | Rieder | DPW - Buildings and Grounds | Building Systems Manager | 617-666-3311 | 5212 | send Email |
Floyd | Richardson | Inspectional Services Department (ISD) | Lead Program Coordinator | 617-625-6600 | 5614 | send Email |
Francia | Reyes | City Cable | Spanish Services Coordinator | 617-625-6600 | 2610 | send Email |
Jordan | Remy | Procurement and Contracting Services (PCS) | Senior Procurement Manager | 617-625-6600 | 3409 | send Email |
Anna | Rebelo | Traffic and Parking | Director of Operations/Parking Clerk | 617-625-6600 | 7922 | send Email |
Karim | Razzaz | City Cable | Multiligual Public Information Officer | 617-625-6600 | 2608 | send Email |
Janine | Randall | Health and Human Services | Case Manager | 617-625-6600 | 4244 | send Email |
Meg | Ragland | Libraries | Head of Technical Services' | 617-623-5000 | 2945 | send Email |
Josie | Raczkowski | Council on Aging | Receptionist | 617-625-6600 | 2300 | send Email |
Leo | Rachman | Libraries | Reference Librarian | 617-623-5000 | 2942 | send Email |
Luis | Quizhpe | Planning Board | Strategic Planning & Equity Manager | 617-625-6600 | 2505 | send Email |
Alicia | Querusio | Parks and Recreation | Recreation Leader | 617-625-6600 | 2991 | send Email |
Jeffrey | Querusio | Fire Department | Firefighter | 617-623-1700 | 8100 | send Email |
Alicia | Privett | Inspectional Services Department (ISD) | Environmental Health Coordinator | 617-625-6600 | 5600 | send Email |
Jennifer | Price | Law Office | ISD Paralegal | 617-625-6600 | 5612 | send Email |
Kathy | Pratt | Traffic and Parking | Junior Clerk | 617-666-3311 | 7900 | send Email |
Michael | Powers | Fire Department | Fire Fighter | 617-623-1700 | 8100 | send Email |
Robert | Powers | Constituent Services (311) | 311 Floor Supervisor | 617-666-3311 | 2179 | send Email |
Michael | Potere | City Clerk | Licensing Operations Manager | 617-625-6600 | 4102 | send Email |
Brian | Postlewaite | DPW - Engineering | Director of Engneering | 617-625-6600 | 5418 | send Email |
Gabriela | Portillo | Constituent Services (311) | Service Operations Manager | 617-625-6600 | 2168 | send Email |
Chris | Porcel | City Clerk | Head Clerk | 617-625-6600 | 4108 | send Email |
Karl | Popken | Fire Department | Fire Fighter | 617-623-1700 | 8100 | send Email |
Martin | Pohl | Libraries | Librarian I ? Generalist | 617-623-5000 | 2900 | send Email |
Kaitlyn | Plocharczyk | Constituent Services (311) | Housing Intake Specialist | 617-666-3311 | 2584 | send Email |
James | Piwinski | Fire Department | FIRE FIGHTER | 617-623-1700 | 8100 | send Email |
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