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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Feb 21, 2024

General Exercise at the Holland Street Center

Every Monday at 9am and 11am except February 19th. Every Wednesday at 9am. Wednesday, February 21st & 28th at 11am.

In Person Nutrition Class (Council on Aging)

Is it better to get nutrients from food or supplements? Let’s dive into this topic during the month of February!

Metro Boston Homeland Security Region Safety and Security Subcommittee Meeting

Public meeting of a regional group with participants and topics of discussion that relate to the metro Boston region.

General Exercise at the Holland Street Center

Every Monday at 9am and 11am except February 19th. Every Wednesday at 9am. Wednesday, February 21st & 28th at 11am.

CultureHouse Union Square

This free-to-enter intergenerational pop-up will be a public space pilot, a living room for the community, a resource center, and an arts, culture, and business incubator. It will be open daily from 1 to 8 pm until June 9.

Virtual General Exercise (Council on Aging)

Wednesdays and Thursdays on Zoom at 1pm.

Human Rights Commission Meeting

Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, this public meeting will be conducted via remote participation.

Somerville Redevelopment Authority Meeting

Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, this public meeting will be conducted via remote participation.

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