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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Feb 15, 2025

Bowling (Council on Aging)

Bowling for seniors.

Please see flyer for details.

This is a free event.

Nutrition at Holland Street (Council on Aging)

Nutrition classes at Holland Street.

Please see flyer for additional information

Veterans Complimentary Breakfast

Veterans Complimentary Breakfast at the Somerville High School Highlander Café.

Bingo at Holland Street (Council on Aging)

Bingo at Holland Street

Please see flyer for more information.

FREE COVID-19 and FLU Vaccine Clinics (And help with obtaining a driver’s license!)

Join us for a FREE Flu Vaccination Clinic AND an Info Session on how to obtain a driver's license in MA, hosted by the Somerville Health and Human Services Department, SomerViva Office of Immigrant Affairs, and ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) of Massachusetts!

To schedule an appointment in advance:

Cardio Throwback (Council on Aging)

Get moving and grooving.

A six week program starting today.

Please see flyer for details.

Free U.S. Citizenship Class

The Somerville Public Library in partnership with St. Mark Community Education Program is offering a free, 10 week U.S. Citizenship Preparation class.

Name Change Clinic

HHS/LGBTQ+ Services will be hosting these drop-in Name Change Clinics in collaboration with Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition, City of Cambridge LGBTQ+ Commission, and the Cambridge Public Library.

Economic Development Staff Office Hours

Economic Development Staff will be available during office hours.

Joint School Building Committee
FREE All Ages Vaccine Clinic (Flu and COVID-19)

Both flu and COVID-19 vaccines are conveniently offered at multiple locations across Somerville, improving access for all residents.

Power of Parenting Program

The Somerville Family Learning Collaborative is delighted to offer the Power of Parenting workshop series again this year, with Families First! This wonderful, free, 12-week online program will begin the first week in March and will cover a range of topics related to parenting and child development, for families with children age three to eight years of age.

Historic Preservation Commission Meeting

Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, this public meeting will be conducted via remote participation.

Cardio Throwback (Council on Aging)

Get moving and grooving.

A six week program starting today.

Please see flyer for details.

Economic Development Staff Office Hours

Economic Development Staff will be available during office hours.

School Committee Regular Meeting
School Committee Executive Session
Cardio Throwback (Council on Aging)

Get moving and grooving.

A six week program starting today.

Please see flyer for details.

OHS Workshop for Providers: Emergency Public Housing 101

This virtual training will be on Zoom; login information will be sent to registrants.

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