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About the Licensing Commission

The Somerville Licensing Commission is responsible for issuing the following licenses:

  • Restaurants (both with and without alcohol service)
  • Package stores
  • Private clubs
  • Farmer pourers
  • Inns
  • Entertainment providers
  • Special (one-time) alcohol providers
  • Special farmer wineries
  • Recreational marijuana retailers
  • Other marijuana-based businesses (except medical marijuana providers)
  • Outdoor Seating on the Public Way (including temporary seating for special events).

The Commission develops rules and regulations pertaining to these licenses. The Commission also hears complaints about its licensees, whether they are submitted by public safety officials, elected officials, or the general public. Complaints can address alleged violations of the Commission’s rules and regulations, the City’s ordinances, or State laws. Complaints are investigated, and if warranted, addressed in a public hearing in which anyone can testify. If a licensee is found to be in violation, sanctions are levied that may include limitations on the licensee’s operating hours or some other aspect of the business, suspension of the license, or revocation of the license.

The Licensing Commission consists of three members who are appointed by the Mayor. A police officer is assigned as the Commission’s investigator, and the Fire Department and the Inspectional Services Department each conduct inspections as warranted. Finally, the City Clerk’s Office provides the Commission with staff support.

Contact Information
Andrea Torres
Admin. Assistant & Executive Secretary

Monday - Wednesday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Phone Number
Fax Number

93 Highland Ave.
Somerville, MA 02143
United States

Employee Directory

Apply for a License or Amendment


Fees, Rules & Regulations

  • Rules and Regulations

    All licensees are required to understand and comply with these rules and regulations

  • Fee Structure

    Schedule of fees from the Somerville Licensing Commission



Commission Members

  • Joseph P. Lynch, Chair
  • Christopher Allen, Commissioner
  • Jacques Thomas Jr., Commissioner


  • Andrea Torres, Administrative Assistant and Executive Secretary
  • Lieutenant Timothy Mitsakis, Somerville Police Liaison
  • Captain C. Darrell Richardson, Somerville Fire Liaison

File a Complaint


To file a complaint via mail with the Licensing Commission about any suspected violation of the Commission’s rules and regulations, local ordinances, or state laws by any businesses licensed by the Commission. Just complete the form below and return it as follows:

Complaint by Mail Form

Mail it to: Licensing Commission
               Somerville City Hall
               93 Highland Avenue
               Somerville, MA  02143.


Please use the button above to provide information regarding instances where businesses with televisions did not turn on closed captioning as required by Section 8-18 of the Code of Ordinances.

Forms & Information

Archived Meeting Minutes



Outdoor Dining Resources



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