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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Aug 28, 2024

Early Voting at Somerville City Hall

Early Voting for the September 3rd Election will take place at Somerville City Hall.

General Exercise at the Holland Street Center

Every Monday at 9am and 11am and every Wednesday at 9am. Wednesday August 7th at 11am.

Bowling (Council on Aging)

Join us on Every Wednesday in August at Flatbread Pizza & Bowling in Davis Square.

In Person Nutrition Class (Council on Aging)

Over the last few months, we have learned that reading the Food Label will keep us informed and helps us make more informed choices about what we are putting into our bodies.

Zumba Gold (Council on Aging)

Zumba Gold® uses Latin and international rhythms and is a lower-intensity version of Zumba® to cater to active older adults. It uses easy-to-follow moves that focus on balance, range of motion, and coordination.

Veterans’ Commission on Monuments, Memorials and Dedications Meeting

Public meeting of the Somerville Veterans’ Commission on Monuments, Memorials and Dedications.

Virtual General Exercise (Council on Aging)

Every Wednesday and Thursday except August 29th at 1pm on Zoom.

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