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Cedar Street Water & Sewer Project

As an older city, Somerville's underground infrastructure is aging and in need of replacement; in the area of Cedar St., water mains are approximately 100 years old, or older. The combination of aging infrastructure, the need to minimize the frequency of flooding and continuation of the City's efforts to reduce its reliance on combined sewers, makes this a valuable project for the City.

In June and July 2016, the City of Somerville and its contractor, P. Giosioso & Sons Inc., began these needed improvements to the sewer, drainage, and water systems on Cedar St. (Highland Ave. to Elm St.) and Elm St. (Cedar St. to Somerville Ave.).

Updates & Alerts

Updated 10/18/2018

Weather permitting, City contractors will pave Cedar St. from Broadway to Elm St., excluding the Highland Ave. intersection, over the course of Friday and Monday. On Friday, October 19, Cedar St. will be paved from Broadway to just shy of Highland Ave. On Monday, October 22, Cedar St. will be paved from just beyond Highland Ave. to Elm St. Eversource will repave the Highland Ave. intersection at a later date upon completion of their gas work there.* Work will be conducted between the hours of 7 a.m. and approximately 4 p.m.

During work hours, all access to the affected section of Cedar being will be restricted. Additionally, no vehicle or bicycle traffic will be able to ride on the new pavement for 4 hours following completion of the work to allow the asphalt to cool. On-street parking will also be prohibited during this time.

Residents on Cedar St. must either move cars out of their driveways prior to the start of work or plan to leave them there until crews have reopened the road.

All one-way streets to and from Cedar St. will be closed to through traffic. Residents of Murdock, Clyde, and Warwick Streets are permitted to enter or exit their streets via the Maxwell’s Green parking lot, but they must abide by the posted speed limit of 5 MPH when doing so. 

Abutters will need to drive the wrong way to either leave or return; therefore, extreme caution is urged during this time.

In the event of heavy rain, work will be delayed by one business day.

*Eversource crews have been delayed in their work as they have been called to assist with repairs in the Merrimack Valley as a result of last month’s explosions.

Updated 9/13/2018

Final Phases of Construction

While all schedules are subject to change, the end of this project is in sight! Over the coming weeks, Giosioso will be finishing sidewalk reconstruction, installing street signs, and planting trees. Then the length of Cedar St. will be paved and striped from Elm St. to Broadway. Barring any unforeseen challenges, we anticipate the project to be complete in October.

Upcoming Work

Through the week of September 10, Gioioso crews will be finishing sidewalks on both sides of Cedar St. between Summer St. and Highland Ave. That section of Cedar will be closed to through traffic to accommodate the work. Their third crew will be finishing sidewalks on both sides of Cedar Ave., and street signs will be installed between Elm St. and Highland Ave.

Eversource Gas recently began work at the intersection of Cedar St. and Highland Ave. Sidewalk reconstruction within that intersection and final paving will, therefore, happen later in the year than originally anticipated, but it will be completed before the winter.   


In total, 19 trees will be planted between Elm St. and Highland Ave. Original plans called for five, but the City’s arborist and the engineering team were able to identify 14 additional locations that could accommodate trees along this stretch of Cedar. To achieve maximum canopy along the street, trees that grow larger will be planted on the odd side of the street, and trees that remain smaller will be planted on the even side due to powerlines there. Plantings are expected to begin in mid to late September.

You may be wondering – will any of the new trees on Cedar St. actually be cedar trees? In short, no. Evergreen trees like cedars don’t have forms that are suitable for street tree wells. They are, however, being considered for the Community Path, just off Cedar St.

Updated 8/24/2018

Upcoming Work Highlights

  • Contractor will work on Saturday, August 25 to complete sidewalk work prior to the start of school next week.
  • Next week, crews will move to the section between Summer St. and Highland Ave., and to Cedar Ave.
  • Next week, a third sidewalk crew will be added in order to expedite sidewalk work.
  • Reminder: School starts on Wednesday, August 29.

Construction Details

This week, Gioioso will complete sidewalk work between Elm St. and Summer St. To be sure that all ramps and sidewalk panels are complete and in safe condition for the start of the school year, crews will work on Saturday, August 25, primarily working at the corners at the intersection of Cedar St. and Summer St.

Beginning on Monday, August 27, crews will move to the section between Summer St. and Highland Ave. to reconstruct sidewalks. There will be three crews working simultaneously to complete this work in an effort to speed up the schedule, so please note that pedestrian access may sometimes require walking in the street. However, the street will be closed to traffic during this work, and police details will be present. During this work, traffic will be detoured onto Cherry St. and Porter St.

Beginning on Wednesday, August 29, a crew will be deployed to Cedar Ave. to reconstruct portions of sidewalk.

Once sidewalk reconstruction in these areas has been completed, the final phases of work will include tree planting and final paving later this fall.

If you have any questions, please email Thank you!

Updated 7/19/2018

As part of the ongoing Cedar Street Sewer Separation Project, City contractors are currently completing the final sidewalk restorations over the course of July and August. Beginning on Friday, July 20, contractors will be pouring the concrete along sidewalks between Elm St. and Sartwell Ave., including driveway aprons. This work is expected to continue over the next several weeks in your area, however you will receive a hand-delivered notification with the dates of construction that will impact your driveway. On Friday, July 20, contractors will be working in the areas of 7-9, 9-11, and 17 Cedar St. on the odd side only.

For the concrete to cure properly and ensure the long-term condition of the sidewalk, it is important that no vehicles drive over the concrete for at least three days. For the days your driveway will be impacted, please plan to park on-street.

If you have any questions or need to schedule special access, please contact John Gioioso at 617-592-3421.

Thank you for your continued support as we complete the final stages of this project.

Updated 7/9/2018

Highlights of Importance (See Details Below)

  • Cedar St. will be closed to through traffic between Elm St. and Summer St. from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. beginning Thursday, July 12, and continuing through approximately the end of July.

Upcoming Street Closure

Beginning Thursday, July 12 (weather permitting), Gioioso crews will be reconstructing sidewalks on Cedar St. between Elm St. and Summer St. These reconstructions and their associated prep work are expected to take several weeks to complete before moving to the section between Summer St. and Highland Ave. Due to the nature of the work, this portion of Cedar St. will be closed to through traffic during work hours, from 7 a.m. to approximately 4 p.m. Through traffic will be redirected to detour routes on Porter St. and Cherry St., and Cedar St. will remain open to abutters at all times. This closure is expected to remain in effect through the end of July. Important note: this work was originally scheduled to begin mid-June, however due to scheduling conflicts, appropriate subcontractors were unable to begin until next week. Moving forward, Gioioso anticipates trying to hire a second crew in order to make up for this time and keep the sidewalk work on schedule and moving quickly, though this is not certain. We will be sure to keep you informed of the schedule as work progresses.

Additional Construction

From July 9 through July 11, Gioioso will be patching sidewalks at the corner of Summer St. and Porter St., and Summer St. and Linden St. No road closures are planned for this work.

If you have questions or concerns, please email, or contact the City’s Engineering Department at 617-625-6600 ext 5400.

Updated 6/29/2018

Highlights of Importance (See Details Below)

There will be no work during the week of July 2, and Cedar St. will remain open to all traffic. Sidewalk work will resume on July 9.

Construction Details

During the week of July 9, crews will continue sidewalk replacement between Elm and Summer. As of July 9, this portion of Cedar St. will close to through traffic during work hours.

If you have questions or concerns, please email, or contact the City’s Engineering Department at 617-625-6600 ext 5400.

Thank you, and have a happy and safe Fourth of July!

Updated 6/14/2018

Highlights of Importance (See Details Below)

  • Cedar St. will be closed to through traffic between Elm St. and Summer St. from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. beginning Tuesday, June 19, until the end of July.

Upcoming Street Closure

Beginning Tuesday, June 19 (weather permitting), Gioioso crews will be reconstructing sidewalks on Cedar St. between Summer St. and Elm St. These reconstructions and their associated prep work are expected to take approximately five weeks to complete before moving to the section between Summer St. and Highland Ave. Due to the nature of the work, this portion of Cedar St. will be closed to through traffic during work hours, from 7 a.m. to approximately 4 p.m. Through traffic will be redirected to detour routes on Porter St. and Cherry St., and Cedar St. will remain open to abutters at all times. This closure is expected to remain in effect through the end of July.

Construction Details

During the week of June 19, surveyors will be onsite, working between Summer St. and Elm St., and marking that portion of the road in preparation for sidewalk reconstruction. No work will take place on Monday, June 18, for the Bunker Hill Day holiday.

On Monday, June 25, the actual sidewalk reconstructions will begin. Crews will start with sidewalks on the even side of Cedar St., moving from Elm St. to Summer St. This section is expected to take about two weeks to complete. Beginning the week of July 9, they’ll take the next two weeks to work on the odd side of the street, again moving from Elm St. to Summer St. In late July or early August, crews will add the final pavement layer and plant trees before completing the project.


If you have questions or concerns, please email, or contact the City’s Engineering Department at 617-625-6600 ext 5400.

Updated 6/1/2018

Sidewalk Work

Over the next several working days, crews on Cedar St. will complete excavation of the roadway along the length of the project, between Highland Ave. and Elm St. Before a base layer of asphalt can be paved, crews will need to bring the road up to grade, and as a result, the road surface will remain in unpaved, dirt conditions for approximately one full week. To minimize impacts to abutters, and for safety, Cedar Street will remain closed to through traffic at all times, from Friday, June 1 through Friday, June 8. The street will be open to abutters at all times.

Important note: Due to the materials that will be used on the roadway for dust mitigation, we advise pedestrians to remain on sidewalks in this area. The materials are not harmful but may stain indoor carpeting if brought indoors on shoes or on pets’ paws. If you do walk in the roadway, we advise that you wipe off your shoes or pets’ paws prior to entering your home. Again, the material is not harmful. This is just offered as a suggestion.

Over the next week, contractors will complete excavation, conduct additional roadway repairs, and plan to pave Cedar Street (Highland to Elm) on Thursday, June 7 and Friday, June 8, weather permitting. (Note that this is NOT the final layer of paving. Final paving will be done early this fall, following sidewalk work.)

If you have questions or concerns, please call 311, or Thank you.

Updated 5/25/2018

Sidewalk Work

City contractors recently completed work replacing sidewalks on the western side of Cedar St. between Broadway and Highland Ave. Weather permitting, on Tuesday, May 29, crews plan to begin replacing sidewalks on the eastern side of the street. Crews will start at Broadway on Tuesday, and progress south toward Highland Ave.

Work will be conducted Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., and is expected to take approximately six weeks to complete. Please note that during work hours, sections of Cedar St. may be closed to through traffic within the immediate work zones if necessary for public safety. 

Abutters will have access to their homes at all times; however, you will be contacted 48 hours in advance of any work that may impact access to your driveway. Pedestrian access will be maintained on one side of the street at all times.

Please note: On Tuesday, May 29, due to a separate reconstruction project at the intersection of Lowell St. and Medford St., through traffic from Broadway and Medford St. should use Willow Ave. or Central St. to access Highland Ave. Please plan for increased traffic and delays.

Upcoming Construction

On Wednesday, May 30, Gioioso will begin full road reconstruction of Cedar St. between Elm St. and Highland Ave., starting with the section between Elm St. and Summer St. next week. Crews plan to remove all existing pavement and re-grade the road through the end of the week, and then complete the base layer of pavement during the week of June 4. Work is anticipated to occur between Elm St. and Summer St. on Wednesday, May 30, and Thursday, May 31; between Summer St. and Highland Ave. on Friday, June 1 and into the early part of the following week; and at the intersection of Cedar St. and Summer St. beginning on approximately Tuesday, June 5, or Wednesday, June 6. To accommodate the work, these portions of Cedar St. will be closed during scheduled days of construction between 7 a.m. and approximately 4 p.m. Through traffic will be detoured onto Cherry St. and Porter St. (See for full detour routes and maps.)

When crews are working directly in the Summer/Cedar St. intersection (approximately June 5-6), the intersection will need to be closed to through traffic. During work hours (7 a.m. to approximately 4 p.m.), westbound traffic on Summer St. will be detoured onto Porter St., and eastbound traffic on Summer St. will be detoured onto Cherry St.

Once the base pavement layer is established (in approximately mid-June), crews will begin sidewalk reconstruction, which will take approximately 4 to 6 weeks to complete. In late July or early August, crews will add the final pavement layer and conduct plantings before completing the project.

When detours are in place, Sartwell Ave. will temporarily accommodate two-way traffic to allow abutters to access their homes; however, please note that while the new asphalt is laid, access to all vehicles may be restricted.

If you have questions or concerns in the meantime, please email, or contact the City’s Engineering Department at 617-625-6600 ext 5400.

Updated 5/22/2018

Upcoming Construction

During the week of May 21, Gioioso will continue final preparation for milling and paving, by adjusting castings within the roadway along Cedar St. At the intersections of Summer St. and Linden St., and Cedar St. and Porter St., crews will be completing sidewalk adjustments. In both locations, crews currently plan to operate with the street and intersections open to through traffic. However, if at any time a determination is made by on-site police detail officers that there may be an impact to public safety, the street and/or intersection(s) may be closed to traffic, and through traffic detoured onto Porter St. and Cherry St. during work hours.

Beginning on Tuesday, May 29, crews will begin full road reconstruction of Cedar St. between Elm St. and Highland Ave. Crews will first remove all the pavement and re-grade the road during the week of May 29, and then complete the base layer of pavement during the week of June 4. Crews will work from Elm St. toward Highland Ave., and to accommodate the work, Cedar St. will be closed between 7 a.m. and approximately 4 p.m. Again, through traffic will be detoured onto Cherry St. and Porter St. Once that base is established, crews will begin sidewalk reconstruction in mid-June, which will take approximately 4-6 weeks to complete. In late July or early August, crews will add the final pavement layer and conduct plantings before completing the project.

When detours are in place, Sartwell Ave. will temporarily accommodate two-way traffic to allow abutters to access their homes; however, please note that while the new asphalt is laid, access to all vehicles may be restricted.

If you have questions or concerns in the meantime, please email, or contact the City’s Engineering Department at 617-625-6600 ext 5400.

Thank you.


Updated 5/11/2018

You are receiving this notification as part of the City of Somerville’s community notification process regarding the ongoing Cedar Street Sewer Separation Project. 

We are getting close to the home stretch of this project! We know that living through construction is not easy, and we are so appreciative of your cooperation and understanding throughout this project. The subsurface utility work is now complete, and the full-width reconstruction of the road is beginning. While this will again be disruptive, we have worked with the contractor to develop an approach that minimizes the spread of dust and debris. By the fall, we expect the project to be largely complete.

In the short term, here is what to expect over the next week:

Beginning on Wednesday, May 16, Cedar St. will be closed between Summer St. and Elm St. as crews lower castings (manhole covers, etc.) in preparation for milling and paving. This work is expected to take 3-4 work days to complete. While this section of Cedar is closed, through traffic may use Cherry St. and the “do not enter” sign at the intersection of Cherry and Summer will be covered during work hours. Additionally, Sartwell Ave. will once again temporarily accommodate two-way traffic to allow abutters to access their homes. On Monday, May 14 and Tuesday, May 15, Cedar St. will remain open to traffic.

If you have questions or concerns in the meantime, please email, or contact the City’s Engineering Department at 617-625-6600 ext 5400.

Thank you.

Updated 5/3/2018

As of Friday evening, May 4, at approximately 4 p.m., the intersection will reopen to traffic. While the Cedar St. Infrastructure Project will continue, work within the intersection will be complete as of Friday evening and through traffic will be allowed at all times. 

If you regularly travel on Cedar St. between Highland Ave. and Elm St., please be aware that those closures may still be in effect over the coming weeks while the project team completes final utility work and repaving.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this important work.

Updated 4/12/2018

Extension of Weekday Closures of Cedar St. & Highland Ave. Intersection Needed

During regularly-scheduled construction this week, contractors discovered additional and unforeseen and necessary work including underground utilities that must be repaired for planned work to proceed. This will, unfortunately, require the closure of the intersection for three more weeks (until approximately May 3). The closure and detours for all vehicles will remain in place Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

We too would prefer not to have this unforeseen, and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we upgrade our aging underground infrastructure. We’d also like to remind you that businesses near the intersection remain open and need your continued support during this period.

Updated 3/29/2018

Weekday Closures of Cedar St. & Highland Ave. Intersection Planned for April 2 to April 23

Beginning on April 2, the intersection will be closed from 7 a.m. until approximately  3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and all vehicles and buses will be detoured during work hours. Detour information, routes, and maps are available below, and we will send a reminder phone call and update next week prior to the start of work with full information about these detours and routes. Work is expected to continue until April 23.

Due to the nature of the work, and in order to complete necessary repairs as quickly as possible, the intersection must be closed during the morning commute. If your morning commute passes through or near the Highland Ave./Cedar St. intersection, please allow extra travel time or seek alternate routes. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we make critical updates to our aging underground infrastructure.


  • Click to View Motor Vehicle Detour Map 
    • Eastbound on Highland: Right on Cherry St., left on Summer St., left on Lowell St., right on Highland Ave.
    • Eastbound on Highland to Cedar St.: Left on Willow Ave., right on Morrison Ave., left on Cedar St.
    • Westbound on Highland: Left on Porter St., right on Summer St., right on Willow Ave., left on Highland Ave.
    • Cedar St. Southbound (from Broadway): Right on Morrison Ave., left on Willow Ave., right on Highland Ave. to follow detours above
    • Eastbound on Broadway to Cedar St.: Vehicles should remain on Broadway to continue eastbound toward Boston. To access Highland Ave., bear right onto Medford St., and right onto either Lowell St. or Central St.



At the end of each workday, the intersection will be reopened for vehicles. Detours will remain in place between 7 a.m. and approximately 3:30 p.m.

To access the Kennedy School, vehicles should follow the detours to Cherry St. or Porter St.

Also please note that businesses in this area will remain open during construction, and will be accessible by vehicle as long as it is safe to do so. Where possible, we recommend parking outside the marked work zone.

Due to the nature of the work, and in order to complete necessary repairs as quickly as possible, the intersection must be closed during the morning commute. Therefore, if your normal morning commute passes through or nearby the Highland Ave./Cedar St. intersection, please allow some extra travel time or seek alternate routes. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience but appreciate your patience as we work to update our aging underground infrastructure.

If you have questions or concerns, please call 311 (617-666-3311). For full project information, visit

Updated 2/8/2018

Dear Cedar Street Community Member,

You are receiving this notification as part of the City of Somerville’s community notification process regarding the ongoing Cedar Street Sewer Separation Project. 

Beginning on Monday, February 12 and lasting for approximately 2 weeks, Gioioso will begin replacing water valves in the intersection of Cedar St. and Highland Ave. While this work will not require the closure of the intersection, it will require lane shifts and some parking restrictions in order to allow two-way traffic to pass. This will be similar to the lane shifts created in November – December 2017, which generally caused minimal disruption. Work hours will be 7 a.m. to approximately 4 p.m., Monday through Friday (and if necessary, some Saturdays).

The timeline for the full closure of the Highland Ave./Cedar St. intersection has not yet been determined, however we are currently working on a detour plan as well as a communication plan so that when the dates do become available, we can share those with you immediately and with plenty of advance notice. This closure  is dependent on the winter weather forecasts, among other factors, and may not take place until early March, but again we will be sure to give you advance notice as soon as the dates are available.

If you have questions or concerns in the meantime, please email, or contact the City’s Engineering Department at 617-625-6600 ext 5400.

Thank you.

Updated 12/5/2017

Dear Cedar Street Neighbor:

This morning, you may have noticed a slightly altered traffic pattern at the intersection of Cedar St. and Highland Ave. Though two-way traffic continues to flow, the construction team currently working on the Cedar St. Water & Sewer Infrastructure Upgrade made the determination that, for safety, a lane shift at the intersection will be necessary for the next several weeks of the project. To accommodate the lane shift, there will also be minimal parking restrictions in the immediate area.

As the project has progressed toward the Highland Ave. intersection, larger construction equipment has begun to interfere with traffic on Highland Ave., making all forms of travel potentially unsafe if not for a lane shift to accommodate the equipment. Though it was the hope and intent of the City and the construction team to wait until after the holiday season to initiate this slight traffic pattern change, safety is always our first priority. This morning, it became evident that waiting was no longer an option.  We apologize that we were unable to give you more advance notice of this change, though the lane shift is contained to a very small section surrounding the intersection itself.

As we approach much colder weather, the construction team is working diligently to complete major excavation and underground repairs within the next two weeks, at which time they will pave the entire length of Cedar St. (Elm St. to Highland Ave.), anticipated during the week of December 18. (NOTE: This is not the final pavement layer, but rather a temporary layer for the winter season.) Crews will then recess until after the New Year holiday, and work will resume at the intersection of Highland Ave. for approximately one month.

As work continues through January, we are exploring options to make this work as minimally intrusive as possible. Two options we are currently exploring include:

  • Continue work during weekdays, with slight lane shift in place during working hours (7am-7pm).
  • Conduct this work overnight, leaving the road open during the daytime. There will be noise associated with the work, in the vicinity of Highland Ave. & Cedar St. intersection.

We welcome your input on both options so that we can reach a decision that makes the most sense for abutters. If you have input you would like to share, please email as soon as possible.

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience. If you have questions or concerns about this phase of work, please contact the City’s Engineering Department at 617-625-6600 ext 5400.

Thank you.

Updated 10/27/2017

Construction Update & Upcoming Construction Schedule

Gioioso continues to make progress between Summer St. and Highland Ave., and work has now progressed beyond Hall Ave. As we near the end of the construction season, our goal and the contractor’s goal is to be able to complete all necessary work below the road surface before the end of the season. To accomplish this, crews may need to work into the evening hours. Work will not continue past 7 p.m. except in urgent situations, in which case you will be notified separately. Additionally, crews will plan to work on Saturdays, between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m., over the next several weeks. This will enable crews to complete the work and to pave a temporary layer of pavement before the weather becomes too cold to do so. Typically, the “winter moratorium” on street excavation and construction takes effect in mid-November. With the unseasonably warm weather, this moratorium may be later than normal, but we will be sure to keep you informed as to the official end of the construction season.

IMPORTANT NEW INFORMATION: Beginning on Monday,  October 30 (weather permitting), construction crews will need to do additional work to secure the water bypass at the intersection of Cedar St. and Highland Ave. For this work, No Parking will be posted in the immediate vicinity in order to allow two-way traffic to flow on Highland Ave. This work is expected to take approximately 5 days to complete.

Please note that when crews complete work for the evening, they will do their absolute best to keep driveway access clear. Due to the size of the machinery, sometimes this is unavoidable. In these instances, crews make every effort to alert residents, however where possible we suggest parking  outside of your driveway in the immediate work zone in order to avoid unintentionally being blocked in. If you do find yourself blocked in and you need urgent assistance, please call 311 and we will contact the project team.

If you have any questions, please call 311 (617-666-3311). Thank you.

Updated 9/1/2017


News and Important Information

As Gioioso continues work in the intersection of Summer St. and Cedar St., we hope to expedite this schedule, particularly since school will resume on Wednesday, Aug. 31. Therefore, Gioioso will operate on extended hours, including Saturdays, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, however please know that by allowing this work to continue with extended hours, Gioioso expects to complete the necessary work sooner, and move onto the next phase.

Upcoming Construction Schedule

Work will continue within the intersection of Summer St. and Cedar St. for approximately 2 more weeks. Unless otherwise noted, work hours will be as follows:
  • Saturdays, 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
  • Weekdays, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

During work hours, the intersection will be closed to all traffic. Traffic will be detoured as follows:

  • Abutters on Cedar St. between Highland Ave. and Summer St., and Hall St.: You will be able to access and exit your home/street by traveling the wrong way toward Highland Ave. Please use extreme caution when doing so.
  • Traffic on Highland Ave.: Will be detoured onto Porter St. and/or Cherry St. to access Summer St. and/or Elm St.
  • Traffic on Summer St.: Eastbound traffic will be detoured at Cherry St. (or Hancock St. to Cherry St.). Westbound traffic will be detoured at Porter St. or Linden Ave.
  • Abutters on Cedar St. between Summer St. and Elm St.: You will be able to access your home via Sartwell Ave. 
If you have any questions, please call 311 (617-666-3311). Thank you.


Updated 8/10/2017

Cedar St.-Summer St. Intersection to Close for One Month (Daytime Only) as Part of Ongoing Cedar St. Water Infrastructure Upgrade

Intersection will be closed between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. through August 30. Detour routes include Porter St. and Cherry St.

Beginning as soon as Wednesday, August 16, work related to the ongoing Cedar Street Water & Sewer Upgrade Project will progress into the intersection of Cedar St. and Summer St., requiring the closure of the intersection to through traffic for approximately one month (during working hours only).

During work hours (see below for hours), traffic will be detoured as follows:

  • Abutters on Cedar St. between Highland Ave. and Summer St., and Hall St.: Access and exit your street by traveling the wrong way toward Highland Ave. Please use extreme caution when doing so.
  • Traffic on Highland Ave.: All traffic will be detoured onto Porter St. and/or Cherry St. to access Summer St. and/or Elm St.
  • Traffic on Summer St.:Eastbound traffic will be detoured at Cherry St. (or Hancock St. to Cherry St.). Westbound traffic will be detoured at Porter St. or Linden Ave.
  • Abutters on Cedar St. between Summer St. and Elm St.:Access homes via Sartwell Ave. during work hours.

For the remainder of the summer (until August 30), work hours will be 7 a.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m. Once schools are open as of August 30, work will not begin until 8:45 a.m. to allow school traffic to access streets in the area surrounding the Kennedy School.

Work in the Summer/Cedar intersection will include excavation of the pavement with the use of jackhammers. Crews will complete upgrades to underground water & sewer infrastructure and other necessary utilities, as well as upgrades to electronic signaling. This work is expected to take approximately one month to complete.

If you have any questions, please contact the Somerville Engineering Department at 617-625-6600 ext 5400.

Updated 8/3/2017


Beginning on August 7, P. Gioioso will resume work on Cedar St., between Sartwell and Summer. Work had been delayed due to necessary remediation by Eversource, but crews will resume scheduled construction next week.

Recent Work

P. Gioioso & Sons completed repaving on portions of Elm St.

Upcoming Construction Schedule

Blasting and jackhammering will begin again on August 7 between Sartwell and Summer, though the end of this phase of construction is in sight! Within the next three weeks, Gioioso anticipates that they will move into the intersection of Cedar St. and Summer St. Once those details become available, and when we have a clear understanding of the schedule, abutters will be notified with at least 2 weeks notice (where possible). Please stay tuned for those updates!

NOTE: If you are moving into or out of a home in a designated work zone, please be advised that PODS will not be allowed in these areas during the construction period. Parking permits for moving trucks or moving vans should be obtained 10 days in advance in order to allow staff to determine the safest place for the trucks. If you have questions, please call 311.

Updated 6/16/2017

Important Updates

Last week, a minor accident occurred when a contractor fell into an open trench on the construction site. Although the situation was serious, the nature of the injuries was not serious. Following proper protocol, Gioioso has stopped regular operations on site until review and repairs are complete, which we anticipate will be early next week. Until that time. Cedar Street will remain open to through traffic. Please note that at no time was there any danger to the general public nor to abutters on Cedar Street.

Last Week's Accomplishments

Over the last two weeks, Gioioso began blasting operations near the intersection with Summer Street. The work has been successful thus far, and work will continue early next week. We anticipate that blasting will continue through approximately August.

Upcoming Construction Schedule

Once regular construction operations resume next week, blasting and jackhammering will continue, and Cedar Street will be closed to traffic between Summer Street and Sartwell Ave. During those times, abutters may access homes via Sartwell Ave. Unless otherwise noted, Cedar Street will be open to traffic during weekends. Also next week, paving crews will begin final repairs to sidewalks along Elm Street, though no closures are anticipated at this time. We will continue to update you as construction progresses, however should you have any questions, please contact 311 (617-666-3311), or the Engineering Department. Thank you! 

Updated 6/2/2017

Beginning on Monday, June 5, and lasting for approximately 2 months, construction will take place Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m., and will include jackhammering and blasting. Blasting is anticipated to take place once per day, and residents will be warned in advance with the use of air horns.

Beginning on Monday, Cedar Street between Summer Street and Sartwell Ave. will be closed to through traffic. Abutters will be able to access homes via Sartwell Ave., which will be temporarily converted to accommodate 2-way traffic. This portion of the street will remain closed at all times during week days and weeknights, and will reopen each weekend. Through traffic will be detoured onto Cherry Street or Linden Ave.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call 311, or the City’s Engineering Department at 617-625-6600 ext. 5400.



Project Overview

Improvements Above and Below Ground

Improvements during this project include upgrades to both underground water & sewer infrastructure as well as surface-level roadway improvements for cars, bicycles, and pedestrians. During the first phases of construction, crews will address the major underground infrastructure work (which may mean some temporary water service disruptions, in which case residents will be notified in advance). In later phases, Cedar St. will be repaved, new, ADA compliant sidewalks added, and bike lanes striped. In all, the project will include:

  • Improving the drainage system
  • Reducing the frequency of flooding events at Hall St.
  • Separating sewer & drainage systems
  • Installing new water mains
  • Installing ADA compliant sidewalks
  • Repaving Cedar & (portions of) Elm Streets

Plan Presentations

Programs & Initiatives

Did you know you can extend your SNAP dollars with HIP and the Somerville SNAP Match to get fresh, local foods at Somerville Famer’s Markets?
The City of Somerville and Somerville Public Schools have partnered with the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) to address major school building needs, including large-scale renovations and new construction.

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