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The Winter Hill Community Innovation School is a Somerville PK-8 school that is home to students who proudly call themselves Wildcats.

Select, Info for 2023-2024 School Year below for information on getting ready for the start of school.

Select, Building Renovation and Replacement Efforts below, for information about the Sycamore Street building and future plans.

Please email with any questions, feedback, or requests for additional information.

Info for 2023-2024 School Year

Building Renovation and Replacement Efforts

Programs & Initiatives

Members will develop a recommendation to the Mayor on both the location and scope of a renovated or new school to meet the needs of the Winter Hill Community Innovation School and potentially the Benjamin G. Brown School.
The City of Somerville has career opportunities for a diverse range of professionals and skill sets to reflect the culturally rich community we serve daily.

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