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Filing for a Property Tax Abatement

Any taxpayer who feels that the value the Assessors have placed on their property does not reflect market value has the right to appeal. Appeals must be made to the Assessors by February 1st, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. Application for abatement or appeal can be obtained at the Assessor’s Office or by clicking on the "Abatement Application" button below. Income and expense forms, if needed, can be printed from here as well.

Abatement Application (PDF)

Note that abatement applications must be filed in the Assessors Office by no later than the close of business on February 1st or will be considered late at which point the Board of Assessors loses jurisdiction to abate the bill. Applications, however, will be accepted if mailed to the Assessors' Office and showing a U. S. postal postmark of February 1 or earlier. Also, note that an application can be faxed or e-mailed (to as long as it is received in the Assessors' Office by the close of business on February 1.

The Board of Assessors has three (3) months from the date of application to issue a decision. Applicants aggrieved by a decision of the Board can appeal to the State Appellate Tax Board within three (3) months of the date of the Board of Assessors' notice.

Note that the filing of abatement does not stay the collection of the tax. To preserve all appeal rights, bills should be paid timely by the due date without incurring interest.

Additional inquiries can be made at the Assessors Office, by email at, or by calling the Office at 617 625-6600 x3100.

Programs & Initiatives

We're addressing excessive use of force and systemic racism at all levels so that we can equitably serve our entire community.
Members will develop a recommendation to the Mayor on both the location and scope of a renovated or new school to meet the needs of the Winter Hill Community Innovation School and potentially the Benjamin G. Brown School.

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