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About the Event

Please note: This page is about a past event. Visit for upcoming events.

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The Charter Review Committee wants to hear from you! Join us for topic-specific small group discussions on how to improve Somerville. The topics are listed below next to the dates.

  • September 28, 5 p.m. - Mayor, City Council, School Committee
  • October 13, 6 p.m. - Administrative Organization and Finance
  • October 16, 3 p.m. - Nominations and Elections
  • November 1, 6 p.m. -  Citizen Participation Mechanisms

Meeting ID: 811 4241 3891
Passcode: 561846

Event Documents




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Upcoming Events

General Exercise at Holland Street (Council on Aging)

General Exercise

Please see flyer for details

Nutrition at Holland Street (Council on Aging)

Nutrition classes at Holland Street.

Please see flyer for additional information

General Exercise at Holland Street (Council on Aging)

General Exercise

Please see flyer for details

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