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About the Event

Please note: This page is about a past event. Visit for upcoming events.

Event |


Under the provisions of G.L. c 30A, and per the Order signed by the Governor on June 16, 2021 to extend certain provisions of the open meeting law, the Metro Boston Homeland Security Region will conduct a remote participation meeting.

Remote Participation only via Google Meet:
Meeting ID
Phone Number
(US) +1 917-426-0906
PIN: ‪‪238 729 775#

Event Documents

Document Type Time Posted
Meeting Notice Oct 30, 2023, 1:51pm



Need special assistance? Request accommodations

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Upcoming Events

Community Health Worker Engagement Event

Come by our table after mass to connect with our community health workers, city services, and receive referrals to additional support services.

Yoga with Louise (Council on Aging)

Yoga with Louise.

Yoga with Louise (Council on Aging)

Yoga with Louise.

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