Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 87, the City of Somerville will hold a virtual public shade tree hearing on Thursday, February 6, 2025, at 12:00 PM using Zoom software to consider the removal of the following three public shade trees:
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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Feb 6, 2025
Climate Ambassador Webinar Series: Environmental Justice
Join Cohort 6 of the City of Somerville’s Climate Ambassadors Program for a webinar on Environmental Justice. Come learn about the history of environmental justice and how the City is working to towards environmental and climate justice.
School Committee School Building Facilities and Maintenance Special Joint Committee Meeting
This meeting will be presented via Zoom Webinar

Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, this meeting of the Planning Board will be conducted via remote participation.
Somerville Bicycle Advisory Committee Meeting
This is a public meeting of the Somerville Bicycle Advisory Committee. Meeting will be hybrid.
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