Vote by Mail Applications for the 11/5 Presidential Election due by 10/29. Ballot mailings began 10/4; more ballots being sent daily.
Poll workers needed for November 5th Presidential Election.
Photo © Jonas Kahn 2014
2022 CPA Projects
In FY22, $5,491,908 was awarded to 7 projects:
- 3 historic resources, all community projects
- 3 open space/recreation, all City projects
- 1 affordable housing bonded project
The following projects were funded in FY22:
Open Space & Recreation
- Glen Park Community Garden: $210,200 to double the existing garden area.
- Somerville Junction Park: $100,000 toward the park expansion, which will combine an existing passive park with an adjacent City-owned lot previously used for parking.
- Land Acquisition Fund: $250,000 to be added to the City’s Open Space Land Acquisition fund to create additional open space.
Historic Preservation
- Elizabeth Peabody House: $30,000 for renovations to meet the State Building Code for assembly spaces and increase occupancy capacity.
- Somerville Hispanic Association/Grace Baptist Church: $494,110 to install accessibility improvements and make emergency structural repairs to the historic Grace Baptist Church, where the Somerville Hispanic Association holds its programming.
- Somerville Museum: $257,352 to complete the design and renovation of the museum’s collection storage areas.
Affordable Housing
- Clarendon Hill: A $4 million bond through CPA contributes to the redevelopment of the Clarendon Hill public housing site which will replace 216 existing low-income housing units with a 570-unit mixed income neighborhood.
In addition to the above, the CPC transferred nearly $1.5 million to the Somerville Affordable Housing Trust (SAHT) to support affordable housing projects. The SAHT will solicit proposals and award funding later this year. Past projects have included the 100 Homes Project, which acquires and preserves existing homes throughout the community; Mystic Waterworks, which converted a historic building to house 23 units of affordable housing; and rental assistance and housing stabilization programs. To learn more, visit
Programs & Initiatives
Members will develop a recommendation to the Mayor on both the location and scope of a renovated or new school to meet the needs of the Winter Hill Community Innovation School and potentially the Benjamin G. Brown School.
The City of Somerville has career opportunities for a diverse range of professionals and skill sets to reflect the culturally rich community we serve daily.
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