Somerville Votes by Mail
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To vote by mail, all you need to do is:
- Complete a Vote by Mail Application:
- Deliver your application to the Elections Department. Applications can be mailed to 93 Highland Ave, Somerville MA 02143, or placed in a ballot drop box. Applications may also be submitted by fax (617) 625-5643 or email, as long as your signature is visible;
- Vote when your ballot arrives;
- Return your ballot
There are several options for voters to return their vote-by-mail ballot application or ballot:
- Drop boxes: Voters can use one of the drop boxes located around the city to return their application or ballot. Drop boxes are located at:
- At the Glen Street entrance to the East Somerville Community School ACROSS FROM 66 Glen Street
- In front of the Argenziano School, 290 Washington Street
- In front of the church at 212 School Street
- On the Concourse in front of City Hall 93 Highland Avenue
- Near 182 Summer Street, in front of Saint Catherine of Genoa Church parish parking lot (near the corner of Spring Street).
- Front of the Armory, 191 Highland Avenue
- Front of the Somerville Community Baptist Church 31 College Avenue
- Near 351 Summer Street, in front of the Dilboy Post
- Front of the Tufts Administrative Building, 167 Holland Street
- Outside front of The West Somerville Neighborhood Community School, 177 Powder House Blvd.
- City Hall drop-off: Voters can return applications or ballots directly to the Elections Department in City Hall, 93 Highland Ave.
- Mail: Voters can return applications and ballots by sending them to the Elections Department, 93 Highland Ave., Somerville, MA 02143. Make sure to leave plenty of time for mail to reach the Elections Department before the deadline. All mail-in ballots must be postmarked by November 5, 2024 AND must be received by the election office by November 8, 2024 in order to be counted. Please account for mailing time when returning your ballot.
- Email or fax (for applications only): Completed vote-by-mail ballot applications can be emailed to or faxed to 617-625-5643. Ballots cannot be returned by email or fax.
Eligible voters who submit valid applications to vote by mail will receive their election ballot in the mail.
Voters can check the status of their ballot at
Any eligible voter who is not registered can do so online at, in person at City Hall, or by requesting a voter registration form be mailed to them.
Important Notes
- Apply early in order to have enough time to return your ballot.
- Electronic signatures are acceptable, but your signature has to be similar to your hand-written signature. You can sign your name on a computer or phone using a mouse, finger, or stylus. Typed signatures are not acceptable.
- If you are not registered to vote, or if you need to update your address or party affiliation, please visit our Register to Vote page to learn more about your options for registering.
- If you are not able to print or electronically submit a vote by mail application, you can also send a signed written request to the Somerville Elections Department indicating you would like a vote by mail ballot. Make sure to include your name, address, and where to mail your ballot. If you would like a State Primary ballot and you are not registered in a political party, make sure to include the party ballot you are requesting as well. You can also request an application by calling 1-800-462-VOTE (8683) or emailing
- For more information, click on the "Frequently Asked Questions" tab, visit, or contact the Elections Office at (617) 625-6600 x4200.
- All mail-in ballots must be postmarked by November 5, 2024 AND must be received by the election office by November 8, 2024 in order to be counted. Please account for mailing time when returning your ballot.
How to Apply to Vote by Mail
A vote-by-mail application can be obtained three ways:
- Download an application from the City website.
- Pick up an application at City Hall: Vote-by-mail application forms also will be available at the Elections Department of City Hall, 93 Highland Avenue. You can fill out and submit your application on the spot.
- Have an application mailed to you: To request that the Somerville Elections Department mail you a vote-by-mail application, call the Elections Department at 617-625-6600 x4200.
How to Return your Vote-by-Mail Application or Ballot
There are several options for voters to return their vote-by-mail ballot application or ballot:
- Drop boxes: Voters can use one of the drop boxes located around the city to return their application or ballot. Drop boxes are located at:
- At the Glen Street entrance to the East Somerville Community School ACROSS FROM 66 Glen Street
- In front of the Argenziano School, 290 Washington Street
- In front of the church at 212 School Street
- On the Concourse in front of City Hall 93 Highland Avenue
- Near 182 Summer Street, in front of Saint Catherine of Genoa Church parish parking lot (near the corner of Spring Street).
- Front of the Armory, 191 Highland Avenue
- Front of the Somerville Community Baptist Church 31 College Avenue
- Near 351 Summer Street, in front of the Dilboy Post
- Front of the Tufts Administrative Building, 167 Holland Street
- Outside front of The West Somerville Neighborhood Community School, 177 Powder House Blvd.
- City Hall drop-off: Voters can return applications or ballots directly to the Elections Department in City Hall, 93 Highland Ave.
- Mail: Voters can return applications and ballots by sending them to the Elections Department, 93 Highland Ave., Somerville, MA 02143. Make sure to leave plenty of time for mail to reach the Elections Department before the deadline. All mail-in ballots must be postmarked by November 5, 2024 AND must be received by the election office by November 8, 2024 in order to be counted. Please account for mailing time when returning your ballot.
- Email or fax (for applications only): Completed vote-by-mail ballot applications can be emailed to or faxed to 617-625-5643. Ballots cannot be returned by email or fax.
Eligible voters who submit valid applications to vote by mail will receive their preliminary election ballot in the mail. Ballots must be received by the Elections Department, not just mailed or postmarked, by 8 p.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Note: All drop boxes except the box located at City Hall will be locked at 6 p.m. on November 5.
Any eligible voter who is not registered can do so online at, in person at City Hall, or by requesting a voter registration form be mailed to them.
The State has set up an online ballot tracker:
The status for my ballot is “pending.” What does that mean?
If your ballot status is “pending,” that means Elections is processing your application and your ballot has not been mailed yet.
The status for my ballot is “not returned.” What does that mean?
If your ballot status is “not returned,” that means Elections has mailed your ballot but not received it back yet.
Can I vote in person if I don’t receive my ballot or I change my mind about voting by mail?
Yes, you can vote in person as long as you have not otherwise submitted a ballot.
When do mail-in ballots get counted?
State law allows election workers to put ballots into voting machines ahead of election day, but no totals will generated until after the polls close on election night.
Is there a way I can track my ballot?
The State has set up an online ballot tracker.
The status for my ballot is “pending.” What does that mean?
If your ballot status is “pending,” that means Elections is processing your application and your ballot has not been mailed yet.
The status for my ballot is “not returned.” What does that mean?
If your ballot status is “not returned,” that means Elections has mailed your ballot but not received it back yet.

The City of Somerville is giving residents the option to return their ballots and ballot applications using secure drop boxes like the one shown above. Drop boxes are located at:
Ballot Drop Box Locations
- At the Glen Street entrance to the East Somerville Community School ACROSS FROM 66 Glen Street
- In front of the Argenziano School, 290 Washington Street
- In front of the church at 212 School Street
- On the Concourse in front of City Hall 93 Highland Avenue
- Near 182 Summer Street, in front of Saint Catherine of Genoa Church parish parking lot (near the corner of Spring Street).
- Front of the Armory, 191 Highland Avenue
- Front of the Somerville Community Baptist Church 31 College Avenue
- Near 351 Summer Street, in front of the Dilboy Post
- Front of the Tufts Administrative Building, 167 Holland Street
- Outside front of The West Somerville Neighborhood Community School, 177 Powder House Blvd.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it okay to put vote by mail applications into the boxes?
Yes. Completed applications to vote by mail must be placed in the box by 5 p.m. on the Wednesday before election day.
When will the ballots and applications be collected?
Ballots and applications are collected daily.
What measures are we taking to secure the boxes?
The ballot drop boxes are made from 160 pounds of galvanized steel and anchored to concrete. When installing ballot drop boxes, we choose sites that are under video surveillance and/or are highly visible.
Can ballots be placed in a drop box on Election Day?
Yes however, ballots must be in the box by 6 p.m. (unless the city hall box which is until 8 p.m.) on Election Day, at which time the boxes will be locked so that there will be time to process them.
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