Our popular Men's Group meets the second Tuesday of each month.
About the Event
Please note:
This page is about a past event. Visit somervillema.gov/calendar for upcoming events.
Event |
Classes offer a session of gentle, easy-to-follow movements meant to be performed while sitting or standing.
6 week program starting Friday February 23rd at 9am.
E-mail Michelle at mdeutsch@somervillema.gov for Zoom Link
Event Documents
If applicable, any related agendas, minutes, audio/video recordings, and other materials will appear here.
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2024-02-23 09:00:00
2025-02-11 10:07:43
Virtual Yoga (Council on Aging)
Classes offer a session of gentle, easy-to-follow movements meant to be performed while sitting or standing.6 week program starting Friday February 23rd at 9am.
E-mail Michelle at mdeutsch@somervillema.gov for Zoom Link
Upcoming Events
Music & Munch (Council on Aging)
Learn a little, sing-along, relax and enjoy some Music while you Munch.
Knitting with Natasha (Council on Aging)
Join a supportive and fun group as we learn more about knitting while knitting together.
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