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Off-Street Parking Lots (for Snow Emergencies)

The municipal parking lots listed below are available to residents during snow emergencies. Cars that park in municipal lots must be moved within two hours of the end of the emergency. Please only move your car to a municipal lot if you have a flexible schedule and are able to move your car at any time with a two-hour notice. Parking is not allowed in school lots during snow emergencies.

View a larger version of the map

NOTE: Once a snow emergency has been lifted, vehicles must be moved within TWO HOURS from City lots, regardless of posted signage. Failure to do so may result in additional fines and towing.

Municipal Buildings

  • City Hall Concourse (93 Highland Ave.)
  • All metered municipal parking lots

Municipal Parking Lots

  • Buena Vista Lot, Buena Vista Road (via Holland St. or Meacham Rd.)
  • Cutter Square Lot (Elm St./Summer St. at Cutter Ave.)
  • Day Street Lot (Day St.)
  • Dilboy Pool Lot (110 Alewife Brook Pkwy.)
  • Foss Park Lot (Foss Park at Broadway)
  • Grove Street Lot A (Grove St. at Highland Ave., referred to as "Rite Aid Lot")
  • Grove Street Lot B (Grove St. east side, between Highland Ave. & Elm St., "Grove Street Lot")
  • Magoun Square Lot (Broadway at Medford St.)
  • Mount Vernon St. Lot (Broadway between Mount Vernon St. and Mt. Pleasant St.)
  • Union Square Lot (Off Washington St., entrance at Washington St./Bonner Ave.)
  • Founder's Ice Arena (Rear - 581 Somerville Ave.)
  • Winter Hill Lot A (Broadway, north side between Fellsway West and Wheatland St.)
  • Winter Hill Lot B (Broadway, north side)

School parking lots are NOT available for parking during snow emergencies.


Programs & Initiatives

We're addressing excessive use of force and systemic racism at all levels so that we can equitably serve our entire community.
Members will develop a recommendation to the Mayor on both the location and scope of a renovated or new school to meet the needs of the Winter Hill Community Innovation School and potentially the Benjamin G. Brown School.

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