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Union Square Planning

Coordinated Development

Boynton Yards

Coordinated Development Special Permit Application

Union Square Zoning Proposal

Boynton Yards

Union Square Zoning Proposal 2017

Union Square Zoning Proposal 2016

Union Square 2015

Check out the neighborhood planning process at Somerville by Design.

Process & Funding

The redevelopment of Union Square aims to realize the vision of the Somerville community to bring jobs, open space, affordable and market rate housing, to Somerville as well as the needed commercial tax revenue that will help shift taxes from residents to businesses, and Mayor Curtatone's administration and the Board of Aldermen are working to achieve this ambitious community goal. In 2012, the Board of Alderman adopted the Union Square Revitalization Plan. Once it was approved by the State, it gave the City the ability to acquire the 7 parcels identified in the plan to allow for future development. To date, the Somerville Redevelopment Authority (SRA) has acquired the parcel identified as D2 to help spur transit-oriented development. The Union Square Green Line station will be built on a portion of D2.

In December 2013, the City released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to identify the most qualified development partner for Union Square. The developer chosen is the preferred developer of the 7 parcels identified in the Union Square Revitalization Plan. At the same time, a Civic Advisory Committee was established to advise the City on strategic planning decisions and development in the Union Square area over the next two years. There were 9 responses to the RFP. With help from the CAC, the list was shortlisted to 4 teams. In the summer/fall of 2014, City Staff, CAC members, SRA members, and Alderman toured featured projects of the remaining 4 development teams.

In 2014, in consideration from recommendations from the CAC and the City, the Somerville Redevelopment Authority selected Union Square Station (US2) to be the master developer for Union Square. With funding available from US2, the Planning and Zoning division of the Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development started a neighborhood plan using the Somerville by Design methodology in December of the same year. After a lengthy public process, the Planning Board adopted the Union Square Neighborhood Plan on May 5, 2016.

Throughout the planning process, the public requested a conversation about a benefits agreement with US2. In the summer of 2015, the City teamed up with LOCUS:  Responsible Real Estate Developers and Investors to help facilitate this discussion with the City, CAC, community members, and US2. The public was invited to participate in this innovative public benefits process. There’s more information available in our FAQs document.

Public Hearing on the Union Square Master Land Disposition Agreement (MLDA) 3/8

The Somerville Redevelopment Authority (SRA) invited the public to comment on the Master Land Disposition Agreement (MLDA) with Union Square Station Associates (US2) at a special SRA meeting and public hearing held on Wednesday, March 8, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. 

The MLDA between the Somerville Redevelopment Authority and Union Square Master Developer US2 was submitted to the SRA for review at their meeting on February 16, 2017. The SRA heard comments at the March 8th meeting, and comments were also accepted via email. Comments were submitted via email by 3 p.m. on Wednesday March 8, 2017.

The meeting was held at Somerville City Hall, in the Aldermanic Chambers, 2nd Floor, 93 Highland Avenue. To view the MLDA, please click the following link: Master Land Disposition Agreement (MLDA)

Please see the linked PDF for responses to questions submitted prior to the February 23rd SRA Special Meeting. 

Extended Public Comment Period

In addition to postponing the MLDA vote, the SRA extended the public comment period to April 14, 2017. All email comments were submitted via email to Emily Hedeman at by 12:30 p.m. on Friday April 14, 2017. The SRA continued its discussion of the MLDA at the SRA meeting on April 27th, 2017. Please see meeting link for more information. 

For more information, please contact Emily Hedeman at or (617) 625-6600 x2546.

March 2017 Union Square Zoning Amendment Submittal and US2 Covenant

Executed MLDA

Please see the linked PDF for the executed MLDA.

Design and Site Plan

10 Prospect Street (D2.1)

Design and Site Plan Review Process



Programs & Initiatives

We're addressing excessive use of force and systemic racism at all levels so that we can equitably serve our entire community.
Members will develop a recommendation to the Mayor on both the location and scope of a renovated or new school to meet the needs of the Winter Hill Community Innovation School and potentially the Benjamin G. Brown School.

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